Everyone is fed up with Ukraine. Western strategists miscalculate

USA's assistance to Ukraine is at a critical point, State Department officials signalled. US Congress has lost all interest in this topic. It appears that USA's inglorious exodus from Afghanistan may happen again.

Kyiv: The situation is critical

Liberal Western media are full of complaints from Ukrainian soldiers about the superiority of the Russian Armed Forces in many types of weapons, equipment, and ammunition. Meanwhile, Russian fighters do not report constant and total shortages of ammunition among the Ukrainian Armed Forces as the latter actively use cluster munitions in counter-battery warfare.

Representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not allowed to give any interviews to Western media outlets. Foreign journalists do not have access to front lines either. Therefore, it appears that all anonymous Ukrainian complainants are actors whom Kyiv hired to bring current problems to the attention of the West. Namely, Ukraine needs more military assistance, otherwise it will stumble and fall.

Ukraine's dependence on supplies is enormous indeed. It goes about both military supplies and social obligations. It is the West that now pays pensions and salaries to Ukrainian state employees. However, the West is no longer willing to spend anything on Ukraine.

Western strategists miscalculated. They were hoping that Ukraine would win quickly, that Russia would be defeated — they hoped that assistance would be short-term. However, the military operation in Ukraine lasts for almost two years now, and Western arsenals have been depleted.

The US State Department said on Tuesday that the US was at a critical point in terms of its support for Ukraine. The Pentagon publicly announced that Washington spent as much as 95 percent of the funds that had been allocated to ensure Ukraine's security.

On Tuesday, US lawmakers did not include assistance to Ukraine and Israel in the 45-day budget (to avoid a shutdown), although the White House reduced its wishes: it earlier asked for $60 billion to Ukraine, but now it would be happy with $10-15 billion.

USA's interest in Ukraine's victory over Russia has fallen dramatically. After all, the imperative was "we won't let Putin win,” as there will be a new empire (Emmanuel Macron), with which the West will have to deal directly.

Ukraine left without Western help

It appears that the reasons are as follows:

The threat of a new hot war with Russia is not so acute, and Western strategists stretch the truth when they talk about its possibility. Indeed, the idea of a war with a nuclear power does not hold water;

The US is not strong enough to provide assistance to both Israel and Ukraine. The printing press may accelerate inflation, and there is a $2 trillion hole in the US budget.

There are new problems looming on the horizon. It goes about elections in Taiwan with an unpredictable outcome and the angry Pyongyang that may aggravate the situation on the Korean Peninsula at any moment. The situation in the South China Sea is turbulent as well as China and its neighbours are fighting for Spratly Islands.

Internal disagreements within American and European societies do not allow reaching a consensus in the face of external threats. The events that are going to take place in the United States soon may trigger a civil war in the country. The partisan discord has reached its climax, and US Congress is not going to replenish budgets for Ukraine for at least two more months.

There is no consensus in the EU on any issue. Hungary and Slovakia block aid to Ukraine. European "hawks", such as, for example, President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel, already want Kyiv to make peace with Russia. Warlike calls from the Baltic States have disappeared. There is a civil war brewing within the EU as well, albeit between Muslims and the indigenous population.

Everyone is fed up with Ukraine. Both the US and the EU have stepped over the critical point for providing assistance to Ukraine.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko