
Elections in Poland prove the country follows path of populism and chaos

Elections in Poland prove the country follows path of populism and chaos

Poland is following the path of all of European states as they act as vassals of the United States. European authorities do not fulfill the will of their people — they only serve the interests of the United States. This leads to the fragmentation of political forces, chaos, early elections, and an increase in protest sentiments.

There is no longer a monopoly on power in Poland

On Sunday, October 15, parliamentary elections were held in Poland. According to exit polls, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party will receive the largest number of votes (36.8%), but a bloc of opposition parties will form both the parliamentary majority and the government. These are Donald Tusk's Civic Coalition (CC) Party, the Third Way coalition and the New Left Party. They, according to exit polls, can count on 248 out of 460 seats in the Sejm.

However, one may recall that a similar poll incorrectly indicated the winner of the recent elections in Slovakia.

The process to count votes in Poland is slow. As of the noon of October 16 with 28 percent of ballots processed:

There is no longer a monopoly on power in Poland. If any of the above-mentioned parties wins, it will have to form a coalition in parliament.

The main player is the Third Way. The name alone indicates what Poland will now have to live with. One of the coalition leaders, Szymon Holovnia, said that he would not enter into an alliance with PiS (Law and Justice).

"Only over my dead body,” said the politician.

When talking about actions of the new left coalition and its government, one should take account of both inner differences and the fact that Polish President Andrzej Duda, a member of Law and Justice, remains in his place. In other words, he can veto decisions of parliament.

As part of the grain deal, for example, the Third Way advocates expanding the list of goods prohibited for import or its radical revision, whereas the Civic Coalition is in favour of revisiting the grain deal in its previous format.

The left-wing coalition will also find it difficult to unblock even part of the €110 billion in EU funds for Poland, including the funds from the Reconstruction Fund. Changing the regulations adopted by PiS will require President Duda's signature as Poland's law stands above the law of the European Union.

Duda believes that Poland's support for Ukraine should not be a subject of discussion. However, given the position of the Third Way on the grain deal issue, such contradictions may arise.

The Civic Coalition and the Third Way are convinced that they should think about Poland's security in the first place rather than thoughtlessly supply weapons to Ukraine. The two main forces in the supposed left-wing coalition advocate differentiating the rights of Polish citizens and refugees.

"There is nothing anti-Ukrainian about this. But as long as someone is not a citizen of Poland, these rights should be different,” Tusk said.

According to the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, a recent IBRiS survey said that the Poles were "tired of both the war and expensive assistance to Ukraine as it all leads to higher inflation.” The Poles believes that the government should reduce assistance to Ukraine, the newspaper said.

If the new government disregards this opinion of the population, Poland may face new political upheavals. Poland is following the path taken by all of Europe to become just another vassal of the United States.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko