Lavrov at UN General Assembly: No more exceptionalism and unipolar world

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking at the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly, explained Russia's position on key international issues and spoke separately on the conflict in Ukraine and Russia's relations with the West.

After the speech, Lavrov gave a big press conference.

The West arrogantly rejected Russia's Security proposals.

"The ongoing conflict in Ukraine comes as a consequences of the inability of the West to negotiate with Russia and solve collective security problems," Lavrov said, reminding the UN General Assembly participants that "all of Moscow's repeated attempts to establish rules for coexistence were ignored." In December 2021, Russia received an arrogant negative response to its proposals, the minister said.

"It's obvious to any unbiased observer: for the Anglo-Saxons that have completely subjugated Europe, Ukraine is just expendable material in the fight against Russia," Lavrov said.

He elaborated on the issue at the press conference, noting that Moscow already views the United States and its NATO bloc as parties to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

"Recently, the Ukrainian military admitted that the Pentagon was selecting targets for strikes,” Lavrov explained. "What is this if not direct participation in the war?”

Referenda in Ukrainian regions correspond to Kyiv's wishes

The head of the Russian diplomacy also touched upon the topic of the referenda in the DPR, LPR and in the Russian-controlled parts of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions of Ukraine.

"The vote has already caused hysteria in Ukraine and the West, the G7 has promised even more anti-Russian sanctions. However, the referenda go completely in line with the wishes of Kyiv,” Lavrov suggested. "Those who live there react to what President Zelensky recommended them to do back in August 2021. He then advised that everyone who feels Russian should "go to Russia.” This is what the residents of these regions are doing now."

USA's exceptionalism reaches god-like level

Lavrov said that after the collapse of the USSR, Washington's desire for global dominance and exceptionalism reached "unprecedented heights, which led to numerous aggressive wars and claimed the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people around the world."

"By proclaiming victory in the Cold War, Washington elevated itself to the rank of a messenger of God on earth that had no obligations, but only a "sacred” right to act with impunity anywhere as it pleases.”

Any nation may become a victim of Washington's ambitions if it somehow angers the "self-proclaimed masters of the world." He referred to the fate of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and "a number of other countries" as an example.

EU slides into dictatorship

Lavrov believes that the EU, being "enslaved" by the US, shows similar symptoms of exceptionalism and arrogance.

As an example, the Russian minister referred to recent remarks from the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who threatened Italy with consequences if right-wing candidates come to power in the country as a result of elections.

"This is arrogance, a sense of impunity, exceptionalism. It is only them who have the right to make such judgments. What Ms. Von der Leyen said about the elections in Italy was astounding,” Lavrov said, adding that he did not recall such threats from the EU leader before .

According to Sergei Lavrov, the EU is becoming an authoritarian, rigid, dictatorial entity.

The end of the unipolar world is approaching

"Despite all the efforts made by the United States, their era of dominance is ending and the unipolar world is crumbling," Lavrov said, stressing that the future of the world order was being decided now.

The question is whether this order is going to have one supremacist that forces everyone to live by its own rules that are only beneficial only to them, or it will be a truly "democratic, just world without blackmail and intimidation of objectionable people, free of neo-Nazism and neo-colonialism”.

Moscow firmly stick to the second option, Lavrov added.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff