UK sets Balkans on fire to displace USA from the top

Many believe that it is the United States that has been instigating international conflicts around the world lately. Some others blame the West in general. In turn, the West blames everything on Russia, and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine is no exception.

UK sets Balkans on fire to replace US as supremacist state

However, this may not actually be the case. The Rybar Telegram channel was the first to draw attention to quite a few inconsistencies. The authors of the channel suggested one should take a closer look at who specifically defends Ukraine most, who consistently supplies arms to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and puts pressure on other countries whose satellite countries promote the idea to defend Kyiv.

The answer lies on the surface: This is the UK.

UK 'returns' to big politics

The days of the United States as the world supremacist state (or gendarme — as you like) are numbered — there are almost no doubts about that. USA's President Joe Biden does not cast doubts on this issue, of course, although it is only his most devoted supporters who still believe that the sitting president is still able to function and think clearly.

Political scientists also notice that the center of political power has been slowly moving to London:

At the same time, the European Union has been evolving from an artificially created joint economic and political space (or has already evolved) into a tangle of contradictions — a burden to its own member countries. The EU has been dealing with social, economic and migrant crises lately. It appears that the UK has made a wise and far-sighted decision to leave the EU to be able to play the game its own way.

War makes some rich while others fight to the last ditch

While trying to drag on the Ukrainian conflict, the UK is also trying to rekindle a number of conflicts in other countries, such as Kosovo.

Earlier, without any fuss, the UK decided to supply weapons to the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo. They know it very well in London that fueling another conflict in this region would be a piece of cake.

There is another hot spot in the Balkans — Bosnia and Herzegovina, where confrontation may also escalate at any moment.

UK in Western Balkans

The UK does not conceal that it is going to play an active role in the Balkans. Liz Truss said at a meeting of foreign ministers in London in December of 2021 that the UK was going to increase its political and diplomatic presence in Western Balkans.

London even appointed a special envoy for the purpose — Stuart Peach.

"Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach was appointed as the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the Western Balkans in December 2021. Previously Sir Stuart was the 32nd Chairman of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)," a message posted on the website of the British government said.

In lay terms, Stuart Peach was one of the commanders of NATO Air Force during the bombings of Yugoslavia.

The budgets of British NGOs have been growing too. British MPs say that the Republika Srpska is a "genocidal entity" that must be eliminated for the security and stability of Europe. They also conducted an active campaign to legitimize the new High Representative in BiH and to increase the NATO contingent in Sarajevo.

The result is obvious: EUFOR vehicles already rumble in the streets of the city, intimidating the locals. Given the firm position of the leader of the Bosnian Serbs, a transition from sanctions blackmail to more aggressive actions could be more than just possible.

Therefore, Bosnia has every chance of becoming a theater of war 30 years later.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff