
Retired US General: NATO must attack the Russians

Retired US General: NATO must attack the Russians

Retired US General Mike Repass, who paid a visit to Ukraine, believes that NATO was not working hard enough to ensure Ukraine's victory.

In fact, Repass urged NATO to provide additional assistance to Ukraine that is currently at war with Russia instead of an alliance.

Mike Repass, the former chief of the US Special Operations Command in Europe, paid a visit to  Ukraine last month and realized that the West was not supplying enough weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Apparently, the US defence complex is not too pleased with the profits, and US generals indeed want to fight the Russian Federation to the last Ukrainian, while disposing of outdated arms to order new weapons.

Currently, Repass serves as an adviser to the Ukrainian military and has been doing this for the past six years under a contract with the US government.

From his point of view, the "Ukrainian supply chain for military equipment is inefficient and additional military forces are required to drive the Russians out of Ukraine", CNN said. 

Repass is convinced that NATO should create a strategic 40,000-strong force of five brigades in order to carry out offensive operations to push the Russian troops out.

Noteworthy, Mike Repass is a member of the advisory board of the Global Special Operations Foundations.

In his interview with CNN, Repass lamented that NATO was having no clear idea of ​​where military equipment was going after it was delivered to Ukraine. It could be possible that someone may subsequently sell those arms, as was the case of all the previous years. 

All arms shipments to Ukraine are not based on combat necessity, operational tasks or objective data. Everything is highly personalized, the general said, adding that this is not how wartime logistics should work. 

Repass pointed out three scenarios for the further development of the crisis:

Two of his three scenarios mean Russia's victory. In the latter case, Russian forces will stay in Ukraine indefinitely and have control over a significant part of the country.

Ukraine lacks equipment, firepower, and trained soldiers to win, Repass said. Russia has more resources and will win the fight for attrition anyway. NATO needs to understand this and give Ukraine more assistance to strengthen its potential in the first place, the general said. 

The retired US general also believes that the USA, France, Poland, Germany and the UK should build a brigade's worth of Ukrainian combat power. Such assistance will help equip the Ukrainian military forces.

As for the possible outbreak of a nuclear war, Mike Repass thinks that Russia is bluffing.

“On their nuclear doctrine, they will use so-called tactical nuclear weapons if they feel that there's a significant threat to the Russian homeland. Those are the kind of circumstances that Russia has communicated to the West where they would use their nuclear weapons,” Repass said. 

The practical use of nuclear weapons in this conflict is unlikely, although the standoff itself may last for a few years. If Ukraine reaches an impasse, Putin will proclaim victory, Repass concluded.

One can make two conclusions from this interview.

  1. NATO does not even try to conceal that it is waging a war with Russia in Ukraine and does not mind attracting human resources to take part in it. 
  2. More importantly, no one needs a definitive solution to the crisis in Ukraine. The war will be waged for the purpose to weaken the warring parties. The West traditionally pays no mind to all those who die and get killed in the fight of the West with its own worldview. 

Author`s name
Alexander Shtorm