Afghanistan turns into central tumour of new cancer

Afghanistan has turned into a place where the new Islamic State is being built, Syrian writer Omar Yousef Suleiman said in an interview with French weekly Le Point.
The most dangerous of all migrations has nothing to do with the insignificant migration of the Afghans, which, in the wake of the Syrian wave of refugees, is poised to overwhelm Europe. It is the outflow of religious fanatics from the Middle East to Afghanistan that appears to be the most dangerous of all migrations, Omar Yousef Suleiman believes. 

According to his sources, about 5,000 of 30,000 Islamic State* fighters have already moved over to Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia continues praising Afghanistan as the only country where all Sharia norms are fully observed. Therefore, tens of thousands of young people, inspired with ideas of Islam, are ready to go to fight for faith in this Central Asian state.

At the same time, ISIS* soldiers have weapons, military knowledge and, most importantly, far-reaching connections in Pakistan, where the Islamist underground is developed.

One of the most popular books in Islamist circles is the anonymous work in Arabic titled The Management of Savagery. It literally says the following:

"They take us for savages, so let it be! We do not mind. We deliver a new world. Yes, we are savages and barbarians, and we stand for the establishment of the World Islamic State."

New "warriors of Allah" can wait for decades - as was the case in Iraq or Afghanistan, but as a result they always win: they kicked Soviet troops out from Afghanistan, they pushed US troops out from Afghanistan  too... The battle is just beginning ... This is the ideology of the forces that stand up in opposition to European civilization.

Meanwhile, the August 26 bombing at the Kabul airport, which killed 13 US military men, was conducted by ISIS in Khorasan,* a local Islamist branch of the terrorist movement.

In the wake of Kabul explosions and other recent dramatic events, the UK and France have finally admitted that the locals, who collaborated with the army during the occupation of Kabul, were in grave danger. However, representatives of European states committed a monstrously immoral act in the manner of Pontius Pilate. They confirmed that if collaborationist Afghanis could manage to leave the territory of their homeland, they would be granted political asylum in Europe. At the same time, however, the lists with the names of those citizens - 1,100 people - in total, were handed over to the Taliban* so that they could decide whether some of those on the list could either be provided access to the area of the airport or the right to travel outside Afghanistan after the withdrawal of Western troops from Afghanistan. Needless to say that having received those lists, the Taliban will hunt those people down. 

What can save Afghanistan from Islamists?

Employee of the French Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) Karim Pakzade, an expert for Afghanistan, believes that Afghanistan is facing a new civil war, in which the United States will become an ally of the Taliban.

The specialist believes that the son of the Panjshir lion, the legendary Ahmed Shah Massoud, who was allegedly killed by Islamists on the eve of the terrorist attack in New York in 2001, and Vice President of Afghanistan, Amrullah Saleh, will be able to resist the Taliban. Massoud's son received prestigious education in London and until recently dreamed of becoming an astronaut. However, he eventually went to his ancestors' homeland and stood at the head of the resistance movement.

The freshly minted opposition has tanks and a 6,000-strong army, whereas the geography of the Hindu Kush mountain system stipulates that one person is worth a whole company there. The Talibs are experienced fighters too, and the clash deems to be bloody.

Afghanistan is not a nation-state - it is a melting pot of ethnicities, where everyone stands for themselves in the absence of external enemy. The Talibs can never change as they generally do not accept the idea of ​​the nation. For them, all ethnic groups are one, and they want to live exclusively according to ancient religious codes of 1,400 years ago.

Interestingly, even though the northerners practice moderate Islam and are willing to negotiate, the United States is inclined to support the Taliban, rather than the northerners, the French expert believes. This is due to the astronomical amount of Washington's investment in Kabul. It was not without reason that Biden began negotiations with the integrists a few months before the withdrawal of US troops.

We may thus conclude that the zone of the Islamist coverage of the world has been expanding lately: 

The specter of a very big war is hung over the world. 

*terrorist groups, banned in Russia

Author`s name
Alexander Artamonov