USA plans American Corners in Kazakhstan to sow anti-Russian sentiments

The USA is opening the "Fourth Kazakhstan Front," and Russia has nothing to oppose to this.
The US State Department plans to finance a program for the development of American Corners in Kazakhstan.

According to the document released by the public relations department of the US Embassy in Nur-Sultan (the capital of Kazakhstan, formerly known as Astana), the department intends to allocate up to 30 grants ranging from $2,500 to $50,000 in nine cities across Kazakhstan.

It is expected that the grant recipients will take part in the development of educational programs on the topics proposed by the American side, including such as economics and entrepreneurship, media literacy, cultural heritage, innovation and climate. In a nutshell, the USA wants to to transform the mentality of the people of Kazakhstan.

USA opens Fourth Kazakhstan Front

"It is easy to guess that, despite the declared topics, such as economy, entrepreneurship, media literacy, cultural heritage, innovation and climate, the main goal of these centers is to foster anti-Russian and anti-Russian sentiments in the people of Kazakhstan," blogger and journalist Ibrash Nusupaev wrote on Facebook.

According to the blogger, the Americans will be pedalling the following topics, as he assumes: "the Russians orchestrated the Holodomor and killed 3.5 million Kazakhs", "Russia took out all the natural resources of Kazakhstan", "Russia seized television broadcast of Kazakhstan", "Russian missiles destroy the ecology of Kazakhstan."

Answering Nusupayev's question about the front that the Americans intend to open in Kazakhstan against Russia, we can say that after the victories of the "revolutions" in Ukraine, Armenia, and also Belarus, it is the Fourth Kazakhstan Front has already been opened.

Destabilization of Kazakhstan is next on the list

Vladimir Zharikhin, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries, told Pravda.Ru that the United States has been running this policy against the background of the connivance and support of the authorities of Kazakhstan.

"Let's divide the blame for further destabilization between the evil Americans and the good authorities of Kazakhstan. The poor, unfortunate Kazakh authorities cannot do anything. The Americans come to Kazakhstan and put their feet on the table, as they normally do, but the authorities of Kazakhstan can not do anything. In fact, they can, but they do not want to. Therefore, it will be them who will be to blame in the first place for the destabilisation of Kazakhstan," Vladimir Zharikhin said.

"We can see the consequences of such a policy in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the authorities are willing to take it. It means that they are primarily concerned about their own interests, rather than the interests of the people," the expert added.

According to Vladimir Zharikhin, Russia does not have such programs in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, because there are no ideas.

"What was the idea until now? Let's build capitalism together - the capitalism that they have in the West and even better. They do not want to do with with Russia - they want to do it with the original source of capitalism," the expert noted.

What will save Kazakhstan?

According to Zharikhin, Kazakhstan's first president (Nazarbayev) is "considerably smarter" than the president of Belarus. (Lukashenko). He opted for the transition of power and chose "a very authoritative person - a professional in international relations and economy (Tokayev), a former prime minister and UN deputy secretary general."

"Kazakhstan, which is sandwiched between Russia and China, is destined to maintain good and neighbourly relations with these two countries. Tokayev is perfectly aware of that," summed up Vladimir Zharikhin.

Russia's soft power is about students from the CIS

According to Leonid Kalashnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, Russia urgently needs to increase the number of budgetary seats in its universities for students from CIS countries.

"A person, who received education in Russia, will treat Russia with respect throughout their lives. They will know Russian too. When those people return to their countries, they will be promoting a benevolent policy towards Russia," the deputy said.

Author`s name
Lyuba Lulko