India should clearly demarcate its fundamental interests

By Sawraj Singh

There were several international meetings in the last few days such as the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Before these, there was International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg in Russia. In all these meetings the world leaders met one and other and extensively discussed their bilateral relations as well as the world situation. All these indicate that fundamental changes are coming in the world. What can be the changes that are likely to come?

The present era can be called the era of globalization. However, this globalization is not a new phenomenon. It is the highest state of the capitalist system and imperialism. Lenin called imperialism the highest state of capitalism. I have called the present globalization the highest state of imperialism. It is evident that the present globalization is the highest state of capitalism.

After the Second World War, the present financial and commercial global institutions came into existence. They were based upon the Bretton Woods system. Basically, this system divides the world in two parts; the developed capitalist countries and the developing third world countries. This system favors the developed countries and protects their interests.

However, the main trend of the present world is the decline of the West and the rise of the East. Therefore, we are facing a contradiction that the declining West wants to maintain its hold on the world when it has no longer the economic and military strength to maintain that hold.

America, the leading country of the West, is trying very hard to maintain its hegemony. On the other hand, China and Russia, the leading countries of the East, are seriously challenging it. America primarily wants to maintain the present global institutions whereas, China and Russia want to bring fundamental changes in these institutions so that the gap between the developed and the developing countries can be decreased and they become more equal. Whereas, China and Russia seem to be clear in their goals, India seems to be wavering and confused and unable to clearly demarcate its fundamental interests.

It seems that India, so far, has not been able to clearly decide whether its fundamental interests are with the East or with the West. On one hand, India is being bullied by America. On the other hand, it sees a commonality of interest with America in containing China. However, if we look at the recent events then it becomes clear that India's fundamental economic and military interests are threatened more by America than any other country.

America has forced India to stop buying oil from its adversaries; Iran and Venezuela. Both these countries consider India their friend and were selling oil to India at a very cheap rate. Moreover, they would accept payment in the rupees. America has forced India to buy oil at much higher price as well as to make payment in dollars. It is obvious that this decision goes against the fundamental economic interests of India.

Similarly, India decided to acquire S-400 Russian missile systems. India felt that this decision is in the fundamental military interest of India for its defense needs. This is the most advanced missile defense system in the world. However, America is forcing India to cancel the agreement with Russia to buy the system. Clearly this will be against the fundamental military interest of India.

India has a long history of close and warm relations with Russia. We have some differences with China. However, it is clear that in spite of the differences with China, there is a big commonality of interests of both countries. Both countries very well understand that under the present Western dominated world order, they will be unable to develop to their full capability and they will never be treated at par with the Western countries. Therefore, to protect their fundamental interests, to reach maximum potential of development and to get an equally respectable status like the Western countries, they have to bring fundamental changes in the existing world order.

However, if we see the coverage of the recent G-20 summit by the Indian media then it gives the impression that for India the main issue is terrorism. It is true that terrorism is a big problem. However, to give the impression that it is the main problem of the world and the biggest priority of India is difficult to understand. The reality is that this problem was created by the West. It created the terrorists to use them for its interests and to harm its adversaries.  We can look in our neighborhood and see that the Taliban were created by America to bring down the Soviet Union.

Western countries have always pursued double standards as far as terrorism is concerned. If terrorism goes against their adversaries then they do not hesitate to encourage and support it. If the terrorists hurt their interests then they raise hue and cry against it.                                     

India should join Russia to change the present world order, global institutions and the present globalization so that they become fair and more equal. Benefits of the present globalization have been mostly usurped by Western developed countries and the developing countries of the third world have been mostly left out. This globalization has mostly proved to be an exclusive rich boy's club for the developed Western countries.  Instead of this exclusive globalization, we need an all inclusive globalization where all countries are treated equally, fairly and with respect. It is in India's fundamental interest to work with Russia and China to achieve such globalization.

Sawraj Singh

Chairman Washington State Network for Human Rights
Chairman Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice

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