Saudi Arabia denies involvement in Yemen conflict

Prensa Latina

The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia denied that factions of its Air Force participate in attacks against movements opposed to the U.S. government in southern Yemen, in statements that circulated here.

Saudi fighter jets have participated in attacks on targets of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, said the local media contact.

The denial follows the publication in a British newspaper of information according to which the attacks with unmanned U.S. drones in the Yemeni south against bases of the Al-Qaeda network in reality correspond to Saudi fighter-bombers.

These operations, for which the results are impossible to verify by independent means, seek to attack al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), an armed organization that demands separation of Yemen into two independent states.

The U.S. drone attacks have tripled in 2012 and provoked criticism from notable communities in the north and in the south by the death of non-combatant civilians, who are reported to be members of armed entities.

The Saudi government's denial occurs during intense management of the Interim Government to specify a Yemeni national dialogue that allows extending its authority throughout the country, atomized into zones of influence both in the north and the south.

Also, Sana, the Yemeni capital, is the scene of frequent attacks against senior army officers and intelligence services, whose authors often escape unpunished.

Saudi Arabia has been long on making accusations itself, a case of accusing others of what they do themselves.  They have long been behind the terrorist uprisings in Libya and Syria providing unlimited funding to terrorist groups.

At the height of Bahrain's unrest last year, around 1,000 troops from the Saudi Arabian National Guard arrived in Bahrain and it was reported they helped put down the unrest.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova



Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey