Few dare to deny it: the oxygen of the conflict that causes the bleeding in Syria is inflated by western powers and Arab countries that hearten, support and finance the opposition to President Bashar Al Assad.
The argument that the bloody clashes in different parts of the country are the result of a civil war between different faith groups is disproven daily as the military increasingly capture insurgents and prove their belonging to other nationalities.
Official sources estimate that at least 70 percent of the insurgents fighting in the country come from nations like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Chad, among others, along with a significant number of members of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda.
In a recent article, the analyst Michel Chossudovsky explained how since mid-March 2011, Islamist armed groups, secretly backed by western intelligence services and Israel, made terrorist attacks against Syrian government buildings, including arson.
It is widely documented that snipers and mercenaries commit terrorist acts, including the indiscriminate killing of civilians as part of a U.S. initiative, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Israel, aimed to support, empower and fund operatively a terrorist entity within Syria, he added.
Weapons and ammunition flow unchecked into the hands of the rebels through the porous borders with Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, press reports note.
Analysts point out that if the insurgents do not count on a seemingly limitless, open and continuous delivery of money and weapons, the Syrian Army could have settled with them in a matter of weeks, maybe months.
However, everything points to the fact that they will continue to deliver contraband to sustain the conflict namesake.
In an interview with Al-Alam channel, the Syrian Minister of Information, Omran Azoghbi, analyzed the failure of the first phase of planned aggression against his country, which he considered an attempted military intervention.
Therefore, he stressed, hostile nations will achieve political gain by prolonging the crisis in Syria and maintain external opposition as a ptopaganda available for its use.
On the 11th of November, the Syrian opposition factions met in Doha, Qatar, where they tried to make up for this external opposition by creating a new entity, the National Coalition Forces and the opposition, Syrian Revolution (Cnfros).
However, the coalition refused from the first moment to "negotiate or talk" to Damascus, and stressed that Syrian President Bashar Al Assad should resign or be deposed by armed combat.
"Not only do we need money and bread, we also need weapons to defend ourselves," the cleric, Ahmed Muaz Al Jatib, head of the organization said in a tirade after his election.
France and Turkey, just as the Gulf countries and most Arab League nations, immediately recognized Cnfros as the "sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people," according to the self-proclaimation of the organization itself.
The French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius, in a radio interview, assured that his government will present a proposal to the European Union to lift the ban on sending arms to opposition groups in Syria.
There are serious concerns in the judgement of political experts, because such a step would throw more firewood into the rampant violence that, according to calculations, has taken the lives of more than 35 thousand Syrians.
Political leaders agree that stopping the delivery of weapons to the insurgents would be a first and fundamental step to design any initiative that leads to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
There are those who want chaos in Syria, and Russia rejects this. If the sending of weapons does not stop, the developments in the Middle Eastern nation could lead to chaos, as happened in Libya, predicted Russian President Vladimir Putin days ago.
At the opening of the Conference for Syrian National Dialogue, which took the stage as Tehran, on the 18th and 19th November, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salihi, argued that the crisis facing Syria today has been triggered from outside.
The disgraceful crisis that we are unfortunately witnessing in the Levantine nation was exported and imposed by western countries, which prefer their interests to the lives and blood of the peoples of the region, Salehi said.
In turn, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ali Khamenei, asserted that resolving the crisis in Syria is to prevent arms shipments to this country and that the so-called "opposition" lay down their arms in response to the demands of the Al Assad government.
It remains to be seen if the powers that today try to dismember Syria and bathe it in the blood of its own people decide to stop igniting the flames of violence, that are the flames of a conflict that should never should have occurred, but need to be extinguished.
Source.: Vermelho
Translated from the Portuguese version by:
Lisa Karpova