The President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos was diagnosed with cancer. This is not the first time, when Latin American leaders are diagnosed with the deadly disease. The statistics is so depressing that observers talk about "the hand of Washington," and the invention of a new biological weapon. This version has its supporters and opponents.
"God willing, with the support of my wife, children and prayers of my fellow citizens, we will successfully overcome all these difficulties," the Colombian president said.
Juan Manuel Santos was diagnosed with prostate cancer during a routine medical examination. Fortunately, the disease was "caught" at a very early stage. The president's doctor is quite optimistic: "The forecasts are most favorable, and I think that the recovery will not take much time," he said.
The President of Colombia became yet another victim of cancer that spreads among Latin American leaders. The disease occurs with Latin American politicians at an alarming frequency. Last year, it was reported that ex-Brazilian President Luiz da Silva was suffering from laryngeal cancer. The sitting head of state - Dilma Rousseff - won the battle with lymphatic system cancer a couple of years before that. In January of this year, the head of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, had a tumor of the thyroid gland removed. Fortunately, the dark forecasts did not come true - the tumor was benign. Former President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, who was sacked by the country's Congress in June, also had to endure the test of oncology. Like Dilma Rousseff, Lugo had lymphoma.
Finally, the most charismatic leader of Latin America - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez - also did not escape from the disease. He was diagnosed in June 2011; he has had three surgeries and four cycles of chemotherapy. It was said that Chavez had only a few months left to live. Nevertheless, he stated that he had coped with his illness, and was able to take part in the next presidential election, the final results of which will be announced on October 7.
The list may continue with the predecessor of the current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. Some time ago, it was reported that the politician had been diagnosed with skin cancer at an early stage. The Latin American press said that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega started making frequent visits to Cuba for medical examinations, which was clearly no accident.
If we recollect the legendary Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who has been fighting a mysterious disease during the last six years, the picture seems to be quite a dark one. All this gave Hugo Chavez a reason to voice his version of the "epidemic" of cancer among Latin American leaders. At a military award ceremony at the end of 2011, Chavez, wishing a speedy recovery to his counterpart from Argentina, said: "It is difficult to explain even with the help of the theory of probability, what happened to some of us this year. This is at least strange, very strange. Tell me, would it be surprising if we learned that the United States developed a secret technology to infect people with cancer? I do not blame anyone, I just talk about the possible causes that made us all sick with cancer at the same time," he said.
It is worth mentioning that the majority of cancer-infected people were center-left politicians, who opposed the U.S. domination in the region. As for Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, he is not one of them. According to an expert from the Institute for Latin American Countries of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Colombia, along with Mexico, are considered pro-American countries. Juan Manuel Santos, who, by the way, is a graduate of Harvard University, has very good relations with the United States. Some tension between the two countries appeared in 2010, when the Constitutional Court of Colombia found the agreement about the presence of U.S. troops in the country illegitimate. It was envisaged that 1,500 U.S. advisers would be given access to seven military bases and civil airports in Colombia. The agreement about it was signed by the previous Colombian president in 2009.
After that, the relations between Venezuela and Colombia found themselves on the brink of confrontation. New President Juan Manuel Santos did not put up this issue for discussion at the parliament to overturn the decision of the Constitutional Court. Chavez praised him for that. Perhaps, the Americans did not insist on their additional military presence, especially given the presidential elections in Venezuela. As soon as the news about the oncological disease of the previous, pro-American, Colombian president was made public, some experts suggested that it could be "cover operation" - to show that it was not only opponents of the United States that could have cancer.
Noteworthy, well-known Mexican wizard Antonio Vasquez gave a chilling warning in January of this year that someone had put the evil eye on Latin America. He said that two local leaders would be diagnosed with cancer in 2012. We already have one new case. Well, the still healthy presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia need to listen to the advice of their Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez and take care of their health.
Svetlana Smetanina