Saudi Arabia: Zero female athletes in the Olympics

What a wonderful country Saudi Arabia is, bending over backwards to accommodate the FUKUS Axis in its demonic schemes in Libya, supports Qatar and Bahrain, Fascist repressive states around whose feet the West crawls, then shakes the hands of western leaders. Yet it is the only country in the world with zero female athletes in the London Olympics.

What a wonderful country Saudi Arabia is. It bends over backwards to accommodate the western FUKUS Axis in its demonic schemes in Libya, supports Qatar and Bahrain, Fascist repressive states around whose feet the West crawls, then shakes the hands of western leaders. Yet it is the only country in the world with zero female athletes in the London Olympics.

Saudi Arabia, the hero of the West, the back-slapping hand-shaking pal in the Middle East, is the only country in the world to go to the London Olympics without a single female athlete.

Prince Nawwaf al-Faisal - Sports Minister and Chairman of the Saudi Olympic Committee - said: "The women's sports has never existed in our country and we have no intention to move in this direction. At the moment we are not at all considering the participation of women at the next Olympics."

What about Article 6 of the Fundamental Principles of the Olympic Charter, which should stop all forms of discrimination based on sex, race or religion?

Too embarrassing? OK then how about we investigate the report by Human Rights Watch, Steps of the Devil, exposing sex discrimination in the wonderful house of Saud?

There are serious allegations that in Saudi Arabia young girls are denied access to gymnasiums or physical education lessons, denying basic human rights to participate in sport. The Saudi monarchy has apparently in recent years hindered access to sports facilities for women. In Saudi Arabia there are 153 male sports clubs. Zero for women.

Well, what to expect from a country feted by the FUKUS Three (France, UK, US) in which a demonic Fascist theocracy rules the roost over the citizens? The FUKUS Axis bombed Libya to a standstill, a country where women's rights were guaranteed. How about softening up some targets in Saudi?

But that would never happen, would it? Suppose the citizens of the countries doing business with this pariah in the international community stood up and stated their case? And suppose someone started investigating the behaviour of the members of the House of Saud overseas?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov