
Ukrainian Nazis Scare Chechen Special Forces with Lard

Ukrainian Nazis Scare Chechen Special Forces with Lard

Despite their rabid cynicism, the media of the collective West are forced to disavow the most odious manifestations of Nazism, extremism, and terrorism practiced by the Ukrainian security forces. Foreign instructors have not only trained the Nazis in military skills, but have also revived old colonial techniques to insult their opponents.

After materials appeared on the Web with torture and murder of civilians and Russian servicemen, a report from Bucha was immediately concocted in response. Information about biolaboratories with pathogens of the most contagious diseases turned into accusations that Russia used chemical weapons, and much more. When calling Russians Nazis, lying experts are careful not to notice either the ISIS*-inspired video made by Ukrainians or the Wolfsangel stripes worn by Nazi Einsatzgruppen during World War II.

The West has forgotten all about honor and dignity

Extremism researcher Cynthia Miller-Idriss apparently has an eyesore that prevents her from seeing the real picture. She dictates that "among the foreign fighters going to Ukraine, the vast majority have nothing to do with the extremism of white supremacy advocates."

"Dear Muslim brothers, you will not go to heaven in our country. You will not be allowed to go to heaven. Go home, please. You will encounter trouble here. Thank you for your attention, goodbye," the unidentified masked man says as he dips the bullets in jelly lard before loading them into the magazine.

The caption with the image of a Nazi from Azov* says that he prepares bullets for "Kadyrov's orcs" by smearing them with pork fat, which is prohibited in Muslims. Social network users called the video Islamophobia.

"Ukraine's National Guard publicly praised its neo-Nazi Azov fighters - supporters of white supremacy - for greasing bullets with pig fat to kill Russian Muslims, demonizing them as 'orcs,'" one Twitter user (blocked in Russia at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office) wrote.

Man-hating appeals as the norm towards Russia

Facebook** does not block misanthropic appeals by Ukrainian neo-Nazis. According to internal policy documents reviewed by The Intercept, the social network will temporarily "allow the Azov battalion to be praised when their role in protecting Ukraine or their role in the Ukrainian National Guard is directly and exclusively praised.

British comedian of Pakistani origin Tez Ilyas reacted by saying, "Being killed by a lard-covered bullet does not disqualify you from going to Muslim paradise. The far-right racists invented this, and the official Ukrainian National Guard supports it. My foreign minister wants British citizens to fight alongside them?"

During past conflicts involving Muslims, pork fat lubricated bullets have been explicitly labeled by the media as inciting Islamophobia. In 2013, an Idaho-based ammunition company was criticized for its line of "Jihawg Ammunition," bullets lubed with pig fat and labeled to condemn "Islamist terrorists to hell.

The Indian (Sepoy) popular uprising against British colonial rule in 1857-1859 was prompted by a rumor spreading in the army that the grease for the cartridges that went into service with the new Enfield primer guns was made from pig fat and cow grease. This was sacrilegious to the Sipai soldiers, both Muslim and Hindu, who served in the colonial armies. The First War of Independence began on May 10, 1857, when three rebellious Sipai regiments stationed near Calcutta slaughtered a large number of British officers and marched on Delhi, where they were supported by local Sipai and townspeople.

Incidentally, the hero of Jules Verne's novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," Captain Nemo was originally a Polish gentleman whose wife was hacked to death by Russian peasants. Both the Crimean War and the Polish uprising were too strong in my memory, stronger than the rebellion in British India. But for political reasons, the Nautilus did not sink ships flying the St. Andrew's flag, but those flying the Union Jack. The British, as usual, were shitting on France. Not Russia.

* extremist and banned in the Russian Federation.

** the social network is recognized as extremist and blocked in the RF at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Author`s name
Igor Bukker