Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld does not shy away from publicly expressing his opinion without regard for political correctness. The 80-year-old king of fashion who once called a plump American singer Beth Ditto his muse, mildly put, is not a fan of overweight women. He offended all full-bodied French women on French television talk show Le Grand 8.
The designer said that no one in the audience would want to look at women with curves. He did not stop there, adding that fat people cause budgetary difficulties for the health care system.
The French Association Belle, ronde, sexy et je m'assume (Beautiful, curvy, sexy - this applies to me) filed a law suit against Lagerfeld for libel and derogatory remarks about overweight women. "This abuse by public persons must stop," - said head of the association of curvy women Betty Aubriere, offended to the core. The public petition to protest against the "defamation and discrimination" of full-bodied women received a truly nationwide support. The petition published online already has signatures of over five hundred people.
Members of the organization considered the ideal of beauty proclaimed by Lagerfeld harmful. The chairwoman of the French community of curvy beauties Betty Aubriere said that her organization wanted schools to continue explanatory work. According to her, the extra weight is often caused by disease or family history, and is not always a result of poor nutrition."
Mrs. Aubriere said that many girls already feel bad in their body, and wondered who the designer will be offending tomorrow. - Indeed, this is not the first time the German fashion designer allowed such remarks about overweight women. In an interview with Metro Paris Lagerfeld said that, despite the beautiful face and divine voice of the British singer Adele, he found her to be "a bit chubby." He said that only fat mothers sitting with a bag of chips in front of a TV say that thin models are ugly. He also said that Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel was "chubby."
In early 2000, Lagerfeld weighed about 100 kilos, but then stuck to a rigid diet and now claims that the extra weight is more dangerous than exhaustion. He is the author of a very controversial but humorous aphorism: "He who wears jogging pants has lost control of his life." In September of 2013 he published a book where the fashion designer admitted that his biggest desire was to "get into a pair of jeans of size 30." In the spring of next year in Germany a new book will be published where two German authors collected Karl Lagerfeld's statements about the world and life. Likely it will contain thoughts that will cause a mixed reaction in the community.
Some 135 years ago women in France would not take offense to such remarks. After the Franco-Prussian war a short story by Guy de Maupassant's Boule de suif was published, whose main character enjoyed success with men, including German officers. Needless to say, the prostitute from the story by the French writer was curvaceous, as evidenced by young woman's nickname chosen as the book's title.
Take a look at the photos of the beauties from the famous "Moulin Rouge," and you will not find a single skinny lady. Fashion for meaty women existed not only in times of Rubens, but also during the First World War. Mata Hari was not overweight, but full-bodied, very different from modern skinny models adored by Karl Lagerfeld.
The reaction of formerly overweight Lagerfeld is understandable. The majority of avid fighters with smoking are ex-smokers, and the opponents of alcohol are retired alcoholics. Same is true for people who used to be overweight. However, the designer at times has issues not only with women's forms, but also faces.
A couple of years ago, Lagerfeld said about the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, socialite Pippa Middleton that she did not like her face and that she should show itself only from the rear.
Igor Bukker