Bolivia free of illiteracy with Cuban method of education

With the Cuban method of education, UNESCO declared Bolivia as a country that is free of illiteracy after the Government of President Evo Morales applied the "Yes I Can" method developed by Cuba which had already achieved great success in Venezuela and elsewhere.

Editorial/Brasil de Fato

The deputy minister of Alternative Education in Bolivia, Noel Aguirre, said on Tuesday (29) that UNESCO has accepted the report submitted by the government that shows that the country is free of illiteracy. "We can proudly say that the Plurinational State is a state free of illiteracy", he stated. According to Aguirre, the country has at this time an index of 3.8% illiterate, below the 4% that the UN declares that a country needs to have eradicated illiteracy.

The minister pointed out that the government's objective is to reach the "residual" population, with over 60 years of age. Born in Cuba, the method "yo si puedo" (Yes I can) began to be exported to other nations from 1999, has been used in the literacy of millions of people around the world and was used by the Morales government. The method seeks to understand the needs of the students and all the peculiarities of the locals using audiovisual resources and combinations of numbers and letters.

Moreover, the method has the advantage of lasting just over three months and can be implanted in places with few structures or infrastructures. In Brazil, the method is applied by the MST (Landless Movement) in several states, and was imported by the Lula government in 2010.


Translated from the Portuguese version of Pravda.Ru

By Olga Santos


Editor's note:


Cuba was declared the first territory free of illiteracy in Latin America in 1961 after a literacy campaign, whose validity remains today as hope to 26 nations involved in a crusade against ignorance. At the United Nations on September 26, 1960, Fidel Castro announced a literacy campaign to be held in Cuba which would eradicate illiteracy in less than a year.


Castro called upon the literate to work as volunteers to help the illiterate and 268,420 teachers, 34,000 professionals and the rest volunteers, helped eradicate illiteracy in Cuba, despite the inhumane blockade imposed by the USA. Not even the Bay of Pigs mercenary invasion in April 1961 failed to disrupt the campaign against ignorance, which is a hallmark of repressive regimes favored by the USA and its imperialistic poodles in western Europe.

The literacy campaign was then taken overseas and Cuba volunteers arrived in Guatemala, Venezuela, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Haiti, France, Italy, Spain and the United States even.


Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey