McDonald's fined; media silent

The São Paulo Procon decided to keep the fine of U.S. $3,192,300.00 paid by McDonald's for selling snacks with toys and advertising aimed at children.

by Altamiro Borges

The group was based on the Consumer Protection Code to confront the powerful U.S. multinational. "Often, by means of gifts related to characters from children's world, companies induce consumption, introducing an abusive relationship, because the child public is considered hypervulnerable and is still developing its critical position," explains the Technical Advisor of Procon-SP, Andrea Benedetto.

The case against the Golden Arches food company, which operates a chain of McDonald's fast food restaurants in Brazil was opened in 2011 from the allegations made by the Instituto Alana.

The company used several legal devices to avoid the fine, but it was approved by Procon and published in the São Paulo Official Gazette in early April. "Procon acts in the market looking for balance. When it comes to considering public hypervulnerability, as with children, the elderly and disabled, there should be a greater concern," concludes Andrea Benedetto.

According to a report by Alessandra Goes Alves in the website Rede Brasil Atual, the action against McDonald's should encourage debate on the abuses of children's advertising in Brazil.

"In Congress, there are some projects that address advertising to children. In January this year, Rio passed bylaw 5528, which provides for a fine of £ 2000 on restaurants that sell snacks with toys.

Already in São Paulo, Governor Geraldo Alckmin vetoed two bills dealing with the regulation of children's advertising. PL1096/2011 The predicted banning the sale of toys along with snacks, while the PL 193/2008 786 904) restricts the placement of advertising of unhealthy foods between 6 and 21h on radios and TV's. "

The curious case of the heavy fine for McDonald's is that the mainstream media avoids dealing with the issue. Will the U.S. multinational billionaire ads in newspapers, magazines and radio and TV explain this criminal omission? Is it?

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova


Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey