Americans fear Russians may deprive them of stars

The Kremlin will not talk about Russia's reaction to new restrictive measures on the part of the United States, Putin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. Meanwhile, there is an area of relations between Russia and the United States, which, as US congressmen believe, needs to be protected to avoid multi-billion losses.

If the bill about the new sanctions is approved, Russia will have to respond. However, the Kremlin does not rush to say how exactly it is going to happen. According to Dmitry Peskov, a specific answer will not follow until the US administration clearly formulates relevant decisions on the subject.

The bill about new sanctions against Russia contains a separate paragraph about the sphere of US-Russian cooperation that must be exempt from sanctions. It goes about space. The first editing of the bill, which was adopted by the Senate in mid-June, contained an amendment, according to which new US sanctions should not affect the cooperation between Russia and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

According to the amendment, the bill should not restrict Russia's cooperation with NASA and the Pentagon for space launches. Interestingly, 94 senators voted for the decision, while six others voted against it. Noteworthy, there are congressmen who believe that the USA should stop spending billions of dollars for the support of the Russian space industry.

Russia currently supplies rocket engines to the United States of America. This year, Russia is to ship largest batches of rockets engines to the USA within the framework of previously signed contracts, the head of NPO Energomash Igor Arbuzov said.

"This year, the largest volume of shipments is planned: we are shipping eleven RD-180 engines for US Atlas V rockets and four RD-181 engines for Antares rockets," he said.

According to experts, the Americans will not be able to develop a replacement for Russian rocket engines in the next five years. "Russia's attacks on the American democracy," "Russia's aggression against Ukraine," or "invasion of Syria," or any other reasons used to justify the need for further sanctions seem to be significant when it comes to big problems for the United States itself. US integrity has strict limits, and Russia should take it into consideration in her retaliatory measures.

Anton Kulikov

Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov