
Putin defies US aggression


By Xavier Lerma

Putin defies US aggression

There is no surprise that Russia has delivered S-300 air defense systems to Syria. The US has been screaming for Assad to go for a long time and Russia has a naval base in Tartus. Guess what? Russia is not moving. There is finger pointing between the West and Russia but the political rhetoric is ignored by President Vladimir Putin as he calmly directs stability in the Middle East. His talent as a Judo expert became useful as he told Netanyahu, "We need to talk". Russia was not happy when Israel fired into Damascus early May.  The Israeli Prime Minister hastened to Russia last May 14 and did as he was told. He listened and understood that indeed there is a new Sheriff in town in the Middle East.

President Putin said, "My colleague and I agree that continuing the armed conflict in the country is fraught with disastrous consequences for both Syria and the region. Only by quickly ending the armed struggle and arriving at a political settlement can we prevent a very negative outcome. In this crucial period it is especially important to avoid actions that could destabilize the situation. The Prime Minister and I agreed to stay in contact: both in personal contact and via our organizations and special services."

Bibi reminded the world, "the great role the Russian people played in stopping Nazi Germany and facilitating victory over it is our shared history. A great many Jews fought in the Red Army. So when you celebrate Victory Day here on May 9, in our country, in another part of the world, we also celebrate that day and salute your contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany."

President Putin does his best to secure stability in the world with economic success while the Communists in America create wars and discord like pyromaniacs. Obama smiles and laughs to his worshippers while elusively avoiding any blame. After all, he's trying his best. His best to oust Assad and fulfill his masters plan of conquest in the Middle East. "Assad must go!" and "What difference does it make!, Clinton shouted. Pure madness displayed for all to see. This from the woman who was trying to get rid of Nixon but was later removed for lying.

Nixon was threatened with impeachment for wiretapping and the Watergate break in. What a terrible thing wiretapping is in life . Especially when compared to the Bengazi fiasco; government funded abortions; trillions in debt; giving weapons to drug dealers along the Mexican border that killed thousands; failure to act quickly in the Gulf oil spill; the Solyndra scandal. The list continues to grow. Amerikan Demonocracy threatening the world. Thank God for Vladimir Putin who defends Russia and pushes back those who threaten Christianity.  

Little is mentioned of Christians or priests murdered in Syria by the western media. The Christian Bishops that were kidnapped and are now being held hostage are also conveniently ignored. Again the western cry is here reiterated, "What difference does it make! Assad must go!" Amerikan Demonocracy foaming at the mouth rabid with hate and with selfish reasons.

There is another reason Putin will not let the Middle East be torn apart by the US. Last Monday, May 27th,  in Sochi, President Vladimir Putin met with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem and All Palestine. Patriarch Kirill thanked the president for making the meeting possible.  Putin said to Patriarch Theophilos, "Your Holiness, let me thank you once more for supporting our initiative to build a pilgrims' house in Jordan, by the River Jordan. We have very good relations with Jerusalem. Many Russian pilgrims visit the Holy Land. Our Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate have a longstanding presence there too. I am very pleased to see that the two sister churches have developed such good relations. Your Holiness, we are always happy to see you. I hope to see you again when we celebrate the 1025th anniversary of the baptism of Russia. I wish you an interesting and productive time here on Russian soil."

Patriarch Theophilos III replied, "You know what huge significance the radiant city of Jerusalem has for the Russian Orthodox Church, for the Russian people, and for us too. Mr. President, on behalf of all Orthodox Christians in Jordan and Palestine, and on behalf of the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher, I want to thank you for the active interest you show towards the Holy Land and the holy sites there. I especially thank you for your contribution to working for peace in the Middle East and promoting the cause of peace throughout our region. 

Your recent visit to Israel, Palestine and Jordan had great historical significance not just in political terms but also from the religious point of view. I want you to know that we always pray for you because we recognize your role as the great Russian people's leader, and a leader who defends universal human and Orthodox values. Thank you very much for this."

If Putin succeeds in bringing peace to the Middle East by standing up to US aggression he will be the hero of the world. A hero unrecognized and anathema to America and the West. They will never really know about him or appreciate his efforts. Their media keeps yelling, "Putin KGB! Putin Communist!", as though he is as bad as Obama and his real Communist cronies who continually destroy the world.

(The links above are mostly videos)

Contact Xavier Lerma at xlermanov@swissmail.org

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Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov