
Two parallel massacres: Palestine and East Ukraine

By Takis Fotopoulos

Two parallel massacres: Palestine and East Ukraine

The Transnational Elite, (i.e. the Western elites based in the G7 countries) with the fascist Junta they installed in Kiev, and the Israeli Zionists, are fully engaged at the moment in carrying out new massacres in East Ukraine and Palestine respectively.

These massacres share several important common elements.

Firstly, despite the shameless lies of the butchers, both of these massacres basically aim at citizens and not combattants. The people of Eastern Ukraine are punished for daring not to recognize the (self-declared) fascists imposed on them by the Western elites, through a "coup from belowi". That is, a coup which was 'legalized' by the votes of pro-West Ukrainians in Western Ukraine (known for their support of the Nazis in World War Two), who then proceeded to elect a kleptocrat multimillionaire as President. On the other hand, the citizens of Eastern Ukraine (which constitutes the industrial heartland of the country where most of Ukraine's working population lives), stay loyal to the ideals and values of the Soviet Revolution.ii They abstained from the electoral farce, starting, instead, a guerrilla war with no military help from Russia, which has so far has not intervened to stop their effective massacre. The inevitable consequence is many hundreds of victims, many of whom are civilians, women and children. 

Similarly, the Israeli butchers of Palestinians have killed, within a few days, hundreds of people, 80 percent of whom are civilians according to UN data. Nevertheless, the Israelis Zionists continue the relentless slaughter to prop up their racist state (which, from its genesis, was founded on the ethnic cleansing of another people)  with the stated aim of tackling the "mortal" danger posed by the Palestinian rockets (mostly self-made and highly inaccurate kind of elementary rockets), that so far have only cost a single Israeli life, 'paid' by over 200 Palestinian lives!

Secondly, although both massacres, at least indirectly, aim at the ethnic cleansing of the two peoples (Russian-speaking population in Ukraine and the Palestinians), the immediate goal is different. It is, on the one hand, the integration of Ukraine into the New World Order of neoliberal globalization and the effective undermining of the Eurasian Union planiii, as the basis for an alternative world order based on national sovereignty, and, on the other, the consolidation of apartheid in Israel respectively. The systematic attempt at ethnic cleansing arises not only from the fact that the slaughter, in both cases, is basically directed against civilians, rather than the guerrillas, but also from the fact that these peoples are collectively labelled 'terrorists' or 'sub-human', as Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk declared the pro-federalists in the East. And all this, simply because they are fighting for the right to self-determination recognized even by the UN Charter as a fundamental right. No wonder that, according to a senior member of the Ukrainian Junta, the rounded up citizens in the re-occupied zones, will be "filtered" in concentration camps for their beliefs and consequently receive appropriate treatment. Yet, historically, the precondition for the success of an ethnic cleansing campaign has always been the previous terrorization of the people, which forces them to abandon their ancestral homes -- as has happened with the Palestinians since 1948, and as is happening now in Ukraine, with hundreds of thousands of refugees moving from Eastern Ukraine to Russia.

Thirdly, in both cases there is a huge asymmetry of military power between the opposing forces. In Ukraine, a few thousand, mainly lightly armed, rebels (except ...3 tanks and some mainly portable heavier weapons) are battling against an entire army of at least 15 thousand specially trained forces, supported by modern warplanes, helicopters and heavy artillery that turned to dust entire Slaviansk areas. And all this is apart from the imposition of a complete blockade and the cutting off of water, electricity and telephone communications. On the other hand, Gaza is itself a huge concentration camp blocked by land, sea and air, with the Israelis using the most modern means of extermination against the elementary military equipment of the Palestinians. This explains why, after any conflict, there are typically 100-fold victims among the Palestinians versus Israelis - not, of course, because of the latters' better organization, or bravery, as it was revealed by a recent video of an arrested teenage boy immobilised on the ground and beaten to unconsciousness by Israeli police.

Fourthly, the massacre in Ukraine, as well as that in Palestine, are presented by the international bodies and organizations controlled by the West and the Zionists (UN, USA, EU, international NGOs such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.) but also by the international media controlled by press oligarchs and transnational corporations, the ruling elites in general (CNN, BBC, major international newspapers in the USA, EU, etc.) as the battles between two comparable camps, if not as cases where the victim is the butcher, i.e. Israel, or the Junta of Kiev, despite both enjoying the overwhelming support (economic, political, military) of the transnational elite. All these international bodies and organizations see crimes carried out mainly (if not exclusively) by those resisting the New World Order and never by the Western elites and Israel! No wonder that even the international liberal Left flagship, The Guardianiv, very recently hosted an article about the rise of anti-Semitism across the world, for which it blames not just the far right, but also the Left (the undersigned has, of course, long been classified by pro-Zionists, and their anonymous organs in the internet, as an anti-Semite, in honorary company of many important people of Letters and Arts). Needless to mention that many 'leftists' are full of praise for the work of NGOs like Amnesty International, despite the fact that even some of their ex executives have publicly denounced it for shameless bias in favor of the Western elites and the Zionists!

A final similarity is that the degenerate international liberal "Left" has played an equally miserable role in both cases, maintaining an attitude of pseudo-impartiality between victimizers and victims. No wonder it has not organized even a single mass demonstration in support of the struggle of Ukrainian workers, or against the Zionists, usually considering the clash between the West and Russia as a kind of intra-imperialist conflictv and the systematic ethnic cleansing in Palestine as just a kind of 'imperialist' war, or, lately, a blood-for-gas energy war!

Takis Fotopoulos


Takis Fotopoulos is a political philosopher, editor of Society & Nature/Democracy and Nature/The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy. He has also been a columnist for the Athens Daily Eleftherotypia since 1990. He was previously (1969-1989) Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of North London


*This article is an edited version of an article that was first published in TF's weekly column in Sunday's Eleftherotypia (a Greek daily published in Athens) on 11/7/2014. The translation to English was edited by Jonathan Rutherford.


i Takis Fotopoulos, "Ukraine - Defeat for the New World Order or for the Eurasian Union?" (published shortly by Progressive Press), ch. 4 http://www.progressivepress.com/book-listing/ukraine-defeat-new-world-order-or-eurasian-union

ii Steve Rosenberg, The Ukrainians who are nostalgic for their Soviet past, BBC News, 8/6/2014 http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27743090

iii Putin signs economic union deal with ex-Soviet states, BBC News, 29/5/2014 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27619156

iv Noreena Hertz, "Europe must face up to the new anti-Semites" - Noreena's comment piece in The Guardian, 23/6/2014 http://www.noreena.com/europe-must-face-up-to-the-new-antisemites-noreenas-comment-piece-in-the-guardian/

v Takis Fotopoulos, "Ukraine - Defeat for the New World Order or for the Eurasian Union?" (published shortly by Progressive Press), ch. 5 http://www.progressivepress.com/book-listing/ukraine-defeat-new-world-order-or-eurasian-union

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov