By Jim Jones
When I was young, I believed I had all the answers - oh the arrogance of youth! Now as I am older, I realise I have more questions than answers and am aware of just how little I actually do know. This and the realisation of my own mortality, drives me to search out answers which cannot be found in official publications or in the fairy stories told by governments; I am propelled by the need to know and the limitations of time.
Ask me the big question - "why are we here?" and I will respond, "to leave the world a better place for having had me here". I see my role in life; to pass to the coming generations a knowledge base, built on the life-time of accumulation of knowledge and the exposing of evil. [Evil is when good me do nothing about it]. To allow future generations the opportunity to judge events and decisions based on the understanding of the reasons behind the events and where those decisions will take the world.
Part of this crusade of mine is to open people's eyes to the extortion that is going on, to let people see just how they are being robbed blind by the Banksters and where this is leading them. I've previously published several articles in PRAVDA on the FED, the Banksters and how America is being readied for asset stripping. In one of those articles I commented that banks are not a safe haven for your money, especially in financially troubles times [go on, look it up]. I said that putting your money into banks was playing into the hands of the Banksters and the government - that they want you to deposit your money so that they can control it! Never in recent times have more prophetic words been spoken, or has such advice been so timely delivered!
Let's consider the Cypriot situation - the Cypriot malady has been eloquently explained by official sources and the Banksters themselves as caused by investors depositing in the banks! Seriously folks; even a schoolchild can reason that people depositing money into a bank will not cause it to collapse! Hell, if that were the case, then banks all around the world would be collapsing or in serious danger of collapsing - why do they compete for your deposits?? They complete for your deposits so that they can engage in factional banking! So that they can lead out more than they get in; so that they can stimulate the economy and create a debt based economy in which you will forever be beholding to the Banksters! The Cypriot banks have collapsed because they have succumbed to the Bankers disease - greed!
Before we look at the disease and how it is propagated around the world - like some avian flu strain - let's look at what the Banksters and the complicit government(s) have done.
"As safe as a bank"! Yeah, you've also probably heard the saying "As safe as houses" as well. How easily we are lead by slogans - they take us off to war, they direct our everyday life and they fill us full of imaginary security. The truth is, banks are as doggy an investment place as your penny stock issues. Banks fall over with regular monotony - except for the "too big to bust" banks; such as in the previous year in America! There we saw banks, guilty of the most devious dealing and greed, finding themselves caught out by their own shady dealings, only to be bailed out by the biggest socialist move seen in history! In the heart of capitalist America, the government stole money from the people and gave it to the banks. Did the people of America receive a "share" in the banks for their investment?! Bet your life that didn't! What bank would allow the citizenry to own their bank? So the stage is set, Banksters can plunder the wealth of a country ad nauseam and when it all goes tits up, they take even more money from the people, simply because they "got it wrong". America meekly rolled over on this and J Bloggs family man, Mr Average American, dug into his pockets or savings and bailed out the Banksters. Don't think for one moment that this didn't go unnoticed by the Banksters. With gleeful clapping, they set about planning their next bank robbery.
Ancient Europe was a market that was beyond the grasp of the FED's and their Bankster backers. The logical solution was to hoist upon Europe the same model that they set on America - uniting the States and giving them a common currency - after all, it had worked perfectly well for them in America and as America is almost on the point of being totally stripped, so what better time to re-launch an old concept. Enter the European Union and the Euro Zone! At last, a chance to print money like there was no tomorrow - just like with the FED. Compliant nations all under the control of the Banksters and the majority of Europe snared. The sovereignty of nations has been usurped by the Banksters and now we see the Banksters peddling their social reform and over-all plan of the removal of wealth and possessions from the "Middle Class".
It is the aim of the Banksters to completely remove your personal wealth, to make you totally dependent - no, actually, subservient, to the Banks. You are to become a chattel of the Bank - what you find that a bit difficult to swallow?? Too far-fetched is it? When I first started work, I was on the princely salary of $1,134 PA. On that salary I could afford a car that was only three years old, I bought a brand-new Honda 750/4 [they had just come on the market], I was flatting and weight-lifting [which included a diet heavy in protein - steaks every night etc] and I could afford to go out drinking whenever I wanted too. In fact, life was very rosy. Five years later, after graduation [yes, I worked while I studied], I was able to buy my first house which cost twice my annual salary! Just consider that for a moment - twice my annual salary. I didn't have to put my wife out to work, we wanted for nothing and we could consider starting a family at any time we choose. I look at youth now, starting out in life, many with the added burden of student loans and I see that the average salary now is $42,000 and the median cost of a house is $300,000 [it's much higher in the city regions of the main centres in New Zealand]. They are faced with seven (7) times the cost of their annual salary for a house. For many now, the hope of owning their own house is just a dream.
How has it got to his - better still, where is it heading?! Well, firstly it has got to this simply by fiscal policy dictated by the Banksters - ooh, hang on; I can hear the economists and financial buffoons starting on their Keynesian Theory of economics and related theories. The theories are just that - theories, as logical and as true as the Domino Theory which held that if Vietnam fell to the communists, all of South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand would become Communist. The truth of the matter is simply there is no reason or justification for inflation - we are driven by debt and the manufacturing of wealth! All done by the Banksters. Secondly, we are heading to total control of your life by the Banksters - this will be modern Serfdom; you will be owned and controlled by the Banksters. Try living now without a bank - throw away your credit card, dump your EFPOS card, burn your cheque book and switch off internet banking - see how long you last! The Banksters want control of your wealth so that they can steal it - so that you need their loans, so that you need the Banks in order to survive. What amazes me is so many cannot see that.
Go back to the Cypriot disease. Supposedly, if we are to believe the official line, this problem was created by investors. Well, often the best lie contains an element of truth; and so it is here. The major investors in the failing Cypriot banks were overseas investors and they had pumped million of Euros into the banks. One could rightly argue that should strengthen the banks! But it appears that the majority of these overseas investors were Russians - ooh, here comes the evil Russians. Russians invested their money into the Cypriot banks because of the return that they got on their investment there - a better return than in other Euro Zone states. What the Banksters didn't like, was the Russians prospering on differential banking rates - rates that the Banksters hadn't controlled throughout the Euro Zone and so left this opportunity open for the Russian investors [and any other overseas investor willing to seize the opportunity]. Cyprus was doing very well on the back of overseas investment and was providing a standard of living, higher than other PIIGS Euro countries as a result. In line with the overall aim of the Banksters to reduce personal wealth, Cyprus had to be taught a lesson. This is as much to do with disciplining a nation as it has to do with fiscal policy. Then on the other hand, it allows the modern-day Hitler in Germany to punish Russian investors who had the audacity to prosper in the Euro Zone. Germany, indeed much of Europe, eyes with jaundiced eye, the growing Russian military and financial strength; they do not like being beholding to Russia at all and as Europe now is under the same control of the International Traveller and Banksters, they see that Russia must be brought in from the cold and under-heal.
The Banksters, by forcing a nation to accept terms whereby the country acts illegally; howbeit, retrospectively they justify their actions through passing law, are manipulating the domestic policies of a nation as well as influencing the greater world economy. [See what Medvedev had to say about the illegal tax to be placed on overseas investors]. When one invests, there are agreed terms and conditions applicable to that investment. One expects international law to dictate that those terms and conditions will be adhered too. Money is deposited under certain terms and if those terms are varied, the investor has the right to either withdraw his investment or continue investing. However, when Banks operate as a separate entity [under control of others], then the rule of law is illusionary. When Banks can close and deny access to your private money and can force a penalty tax for investing in the bank - then something seriously is wrong with the banking system. This is Banking with a gun to your head.
Those of you, who now see the folly in placing your money in banks, have begun a small run on banks in PIIGS countries, where they can see a similar situation as in Cyprus occurring there. At no other time in history, has your personal wealth been so at risk, has your country been under the control of "others" and your freedom been so seriously threatened. Tell me, what will it take; what further evidence is needed to bring to light the role and duplicity of the Banksters?
The best action that anyone can take is to withdraw their savings from the banks - hoard the money yourself; split investments and do as I suggested in "Are you Prepared". Withdrawal of your money will cause the banks financial hardship and deny them fractional banking - the scourge of modern man; it may also lead to collapse. The hope is that out of the destruction, we can create a better banking system, by keeping the International Traveller away from the control of money. I tell you now, it will soon be too late - Gotham City beckons - and there is NO Batman.
Jim Jones
New Zealand