Failure: The ABC of western diplomacy

To begin with, neither does western diplomacy exist nor is John Kerry a diplomat, rather another lackey of the system pandering to the whims of those who pull his strings, following in the footsteps of Powell and Rice and Clinton. Kerry's disgusting comments this week on Syria provide a telling insight into what we are to expect.

Arrogance, belligerence, chauvinism, the ABC of western diplomacy, or proof of the lack of it. In recent years, the worst fears of those of us who have studied history and who warned that the swan-songs and yellow smiles of NATO back in the early 1990s were nothing less than the siren's song of pure evil, deceit, dishonesty, disrespect, skullduggery, scheming and slyness, have come true.

It started long before Iraq. It started with NATO's numerous promises to Moscow over the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact - if the Pact was dissolved NATO promised not to encroach eastwards. Those of us at the time who spoke out against the excessive trust shown to the "new friends" were derided as nutcases. Well, who is the nutcase now?

They said they would not encroach to the East. So why is Albania a NATO member state? They said they would not encroach to the East. So why is Bulgaria a NATO member state? They said they would not encroach to the East. So why is the Czech Republic a NATO member state? And why is Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia?

Aggressiveness, bullying, conceit, the ABC of a studied insult to the community of nations, the ABC of an approach to international relations which throws the history book of international agreements into the fire of Hades. Such was the case when the US Congress decided to wine and dine Albanian terrorists who had perpetrated shocking humanitarian crimes against Serbs, who had forced girls into prostitution rings in Italy, who had committed the crime of trafficking of human organs. Needless to say, Washington's poodle, the United Kingdom, historically obsessed with getting a pat on the head and told it's a special partner (while its nether end is regally and serially violated by the ex-colony) is historically on cue to act as look-out while the crime is committed. The monster they created was Kosovo, a province of Serbia under international law, a "country" declared by those who have invaded dozens of States, murdered millions of people and stolen billions of dollars-worth of resources in the recent past, not to mention the imperialist massacres of yesteryear, civilizing "savages" with the Bible and the bullet, eh what?

Aversion, bitterness, cynicism, the ABC of western diplomacy which derides the agreements it signs. The Helsinki Final Act, 1975, was signed by all the main players in the northern hemisphere yet it was totally and wholly disregarded by the evil North Atlantic Terrorist Organization empire, along with all the norms and covenants signed and accepted, constituting historic and binding legal precedents since the Westphalia Agreements, in 1648. The invasion of Iraq was based upon hearsay, lies and stupidity, after Colin Powell lied at the UN building about the qualities of foreign intelligence which stated that Iraqi milk factories were making bombs and after the British intelligence services stated that Saddam Hussein was obtaining yellowcake uranium from Nigeria (Niger is the country which exports this but Iraq had no ties there), after British intelligence copied and pasted a ten-year-old thesis from the internet claiming it proved Iraq was an immediate threat to the USA and its allies.

Acrimony, big-headedness, contempt, the ABC of a diplomatic approach which starts by disregarding the UN Charter, which states clearly that in all cases of aggression a separate resolution is required from the UNSC. This renders everything that happened in Iraq and Libya illegal and means that those states which perpetrated these crimes are liable for prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This will not happen in the International Criminal Court at The Hague, Netherlands (an indictment written and sent by this author did not even receive the courtesy of a reply), this will not happen in any court of law at present because none exists to try the criminals.

Animosity, bluster, contumelious disrespect for what is right, the ABC of the western powers which in their utter self-righteousness have lost their way. It appears that the Anglo-Saxons have a historic tendency to build up a critical mass of demonic trends which then explode into torture, contempt for human rights, and revolting spectacles such as urinating in food, forcing Moslems to eat pork, attacking people with dogs, sodomy, butchery, beatings, violation of the person, rape, actual bodily harm, grievous bodily harm.

And now, this week, John Kerry, the new US Secretary of State, has the sheer nerve to warn President Bashar al-Assad of Syria that certain countries are arming the Syrian terrorists and therefore he should take heed and read the writing on the wall.

This declaration from the failed US presidential candidate, who could not even win an election against the war criminal Bush, when a syphilitic, blind, deaf and dumb, terminal-AIDS case slug lying under a ton of salt would have won, is a telling insight into the mindset of this latest representative of US diplomacy (cough) at the State Department.

No mention of international law, that it is illegal to arm terrorists, that it is illegal to participate in the internal affairs of a sovereign state...figures. Kerry belongs to the trash-heap of international diplomats, of the kind that tried to whip up animosity between Georgia and Russia and failed miserably.

When the west starts to understand that it has failed, it will be far too late. Its arrogance, belligerence and chauvinism belong to an imperialist past in which countries drew lines on maps and declared "I say! This here is ours, and that there is yours!" Eh what?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey