
Hype, Hypocrisy and Human Rights Day

Hype, Hypocrisy and Human Rights Day

Well, well, December 10 was Human Rights Day, the day when everyone has the right to be heard, to participate in important decision-making processes and to make their voice count. Sounds great does it not? Then where are the mechanisms to make this available?

December 10 is another of those United Nations "Days", you know, Women's Day, Day of the Child and so on, when we are supposed to remember a cause and when UN officials jet around the world in Business Class making speeches at seven-course dinners in five-star hotels which go something along the lines of (start violins):

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to discuss the sustainable development of the plan to increase further the rights of (fill in the gap) as set forth at the (fill in the gap) United Nations Summit in (gap) at which the then Secretary-General exposed his intention to defend the rights of (gap) on a sustainable basis, providing a platform for a participative and inclusive position in societies, fighting in this way against discrimination, marginalization and exclusion while at the same time sustainably guaranteeing the future building process of an all-inclusive social whole" (stop violins).

An audible belch from the back of the room. Pardon? Quite. Hot air and a waste of our time and money, to put it simply. And now the United Nations in 2012 speaks of a "groundswell" of "millions of people" demanding their rights. Don't tell me they include the Libyan uprising in this request for participative engagement, but yes they do.

You know, when the most participative model of social and economic governance, the Jamahiriya, was assailed by groups of terrorists armed by the western governments (mainly the FUKUS Three, France UK and US) in their greed to garner control of Libya's considerable resources for the lobbies which control their strings. And as Al-Qaeda was let in by the back door against the first world leader (al-Qadhafi) to issue an arrest warrant against bin Laden and his fellow terrorists, there went the Jamahiriya in a sea of tears and a river of blood.


And they dare to speak about the right to be heard? Who then asked the people of Libya whether they wanted this terrorist filth imposed upon them, who is asking them now if they want the Jamahiriya system back again, who is allowing the Jamahiriya to be represented in future elections?




Are we free these days to set up our small business and trade as they say we are? Where, then, is our butcher, baker and grocer on the street corner? The answer is, swallowed up by the Big Space, a disgusting blur on the outskirts of our cities, proof that the system is about shark eating shark until we get one mega-corporation which rules the roost and bang! corporatism has won and the capitalist market-based economy is revealed to be the puff of piss and wind that it always was.


Without substance, a pie-in-the-sky ideal based upon a casino economy, corporate and social terrorism practised by Governments who pander to the whims of the lobbies instead of serving the people as they are supposed to.


With the European Union risibly talking about rights at the drop of a hat when it is the most undemocratic organization the world has seen, with the bolts and nuts of the United States of America caught in the vice which controls NATO, and NATO in turn (you know, the organization which boils animals alive, shoots them in the guts, blows them up and sets fire to them) pulling the strings of the EU, then suppose everyone started doing something instead of talking nonsense?


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Author`s name
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey