Russia sends strategic Tupolev bomber aircraft for mission near Alaska

Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a scheduled flight near the coast of Alaska, the Russian Defense Ministry said, TASS reports.

"Two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers of the long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a scheduled flight in the airspace over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea, near the western coast of Alaska," the department said.

The flight lasted for more than 11 hours. Sukhoi Su-35S and Su-30SM fighter aircraft escorted the bombers.

Aircraft of Russia's long-range aviation regularly fly over the neutral waters of the Arctic, North Atlantic, Black and Baltic Seas, as well as over the Pacific Ocean. They carry out their tasks in strict accordance with international rules of the use of airspace, the ministry said.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff