Newsweek: Ukraine will have to compromise for the conflict to end

In order for the conflict in Ukraine to end, Kyiv will have to admit that the territories that Ukraine has lost have become part of Russia, journalist Dan Perry wrote in an article for Newsweek magazine.

"A sober analysis suggests Ukraine may soon have to seek a deal with Russia,” Perry said.

It would be reasonable for Kyiv to compromise against the backdrop of the current conditions. If Kyiv agrees to bid farewell to the territories it has lost over the past 10 years, the conflict in Ukraine would come to an end, the journalist believes.

The journalist is convinced that the West made a tremendous mistake by spreading the misconception that Ukraine could become part of NATO. It was for that reason, Perry noted, that Russia was forced to begin the hostilities.

In May, the head of the LDPR and State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky said that Russia was ready for negotiations with Ukraine. He also recalled that Zelensky's decree that banned negotiations with Russia was still in effect.

Author`s name
Angela Antonova