Putin and Xi Jinping show the world that Russia and China are brothers forever

During his visit to China, President Putin recalled the line "Russian and Chinese are brothers forever” from a 1949 song and expressed confidence that Russia and China would continue to strengthen relations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin described relations between Russia and China with the phrase "Russian and Chinese are brothers forever.” Putin referred to a 1949 song when speaking before a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Moscow and Beijing and the opening of the Cross Years of Culture.

"In a well-known song of that time — 75 years ago, but it is often performed in our [time] - there is a catchphrase: "A Russian and a Chinese are brothers forever.” I am confident that it is in this fraternal spirit that we will continue to strengthen the harmonious Russian-Chinese partnership,” Putin said.

The song that Putin referred to is called "Moscow — Beijing.” It was written in 1949 against the backdrop of the creation of the People's Republic of China and the visit of the leader of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong, to Moscow. Composer Vano Muradeli saw poems by Mikhail Vershinin in a magazine and set them to music in the rhythm of a march. The original song contained the line "Stalin and Mao are listening to us,” but it was removed from the song lyrics under Nikita Khrushchev.

Putin is in Beijing on his first foreign visit since inauguration. Chinese leader Xi Jinping, after his re-election in March 2023, chose Moscow as his first visit. Putin said that he decided to act similarly. During the meeting, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping noted that the relations between Russia and China became a model of relations between neighbouring states.

Vladimir Putin's visit to China will consist of two parts. Putin will spend May 16 in Beijing, and on May 17 he is going to Harbin, the administrative centre of Heilongjiang Province.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin