Poland, 'hyena of Europe,' to deploy US nuclear weapons on its territory

Polish President Andrzej Duda announced readiness to deploy US nuclear weapons on its territory. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov promised that the Russian Armed Forces would take all necessary measures for the security of the state.

"If such plans are implemented, The military will of course analyze the situation and will do everything necessary, all necessary retaliatory steps will be taken in order to guarantee our security,” Dmitry Peskov said.

Discussions about the deployment of nuclear weapons on Polish territory have been ongoing for many years. In 2015, The Guardian reported citing Deputy Minister of Defence of Poland that Warsaw was discussing participation in NATO's Nuclear Sharing nuclear weapons program in order to receive nuclear weapons from the United States. However, the Polish defence department subsequently disowned such plans recalling that Poland was a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

"The problem is, first of all, that we do not have nuclear weapons. Nothing indicates that Poland could have it at its disposal in the near future,” Polish President Duda complained in 2022. At the same time, he indicated that an opportunity to participate in the NATO program was available.

It also became known in 2022 that more than a half of Polish citizens supported the idea of deploying American nuclear weapons on the territory of Poland. The idea found biggest support among people under 30 years of age, Poland's ruling Law and Justice party, as well as residents of large cities.

Russia to retaliate immediately should Poland place US nukes

State Duma deputy Alexei Chepa warned that if US nuclear weapons appear on Polish territory, Russia would be forced to take retaliatory steps.

"This is another escalation of tensions in Europe. This is a serious step that violates the security of our country, which will naturally force us to take retaliatory steps," Chepa said.

The United States understands that Russia's response to the deployment of nuclear weapons in Poland is inevitable. Therefore, the country may refuse such risky actions.

"Our response measures will involve preparation [for possible aggression], as well as counteraction, deployment of arms that will be aimed, among other things, at the United States,” Chepa warned.

In turn, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev indicated that the growth of Poland's military potential and the build-up of its military presence in Ukraine could provoke a direct clash with Russia and Belarus.

According to him, Poland's "adventurous” actions, if supported by NATO countries, could lead to dangerous consequences for the whole world.

"And then Poland will play the role of the "hyena of Europe' that unleashed World War Three," Medvedev said.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin