Kremlin: Russia is in a state of war with the West

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia is in a state of war with the West.

Speaking in an interview with Arguments and Facts newspaper, the press secretary of the Russian president stated that Russia initially started a special military operation in Ukraine. However, the situation changed when Western countries began to actively and openly support Ukraine.

The Kremlin representative emphasised that every Russian must understand the current situation in the country for "their own internal mobilisation.”

"We are at war. Yes, it began as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, it turned into a war for us. I am convinced of this. Everyone should understand this for their internal mobilisation," Peskov said.

According to the Kremlin spokesman, Russia acts based on its interests to protect its own territory. Ukraine's military potential should not be a threat to the security of Russians, Peskov believes. Russia now has four new entities, "and the main thing for us is to protect the people in these regions and liberate the territory of these regions, which currently remains de facto occupied by the Kyiv regime,” Peskov noted.

In this regard, the existence of a neighbouring state like Ukraine that has documented its plans to seize Crime at any cost is unacceptable for Russia, Peskov said. Ukraine also has such plans in relation to Russia's newly acquired territories, he added.

Earlier, commenting on the conversation between Bundeswehr representatives about the attack on the Crimean Bridge, Peskov noted that they love the Germans in Russia and do not want war. However, Russia would not turn a blind eye to discussing attacks on its territories, he also said.

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov