Putin: NATO troops in Ukraine will lead to tragic consequences

In his Address to the Federal Assembly on Thursday, February 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin said what would happen if NATO decided to send troops to Ukraine. The consequences of such a move will be tragic, Putin said.

"They started talking about a possibility of sending NATO military contingents to Ukraine. We remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country. Today, the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic," Putin said.

The Russian leader pointed out that Western countries must understand that Russia also has weapons that can strike their territory.

Western rhetoric of intimidation may trigger a major conflict

According to the President of the Russian Federation, everything that the West is scaring the whole world with today may lead to a nuclear conflict that will destroy the human civilisation.

"Don't they understand this? They are the people who have not gone through difficult trials. They have already forgotten what war is," the Russian President said.

According to him, statements from Western officials about Russia's alleged plans to attack Europe are nonsense. It is the West that is hatching plans to strike Russian territory and send NATO troops to Ukraine, the president said.

Putin thus responded to French President Emmanuel Macron, who said earlier that EU countries could send their troops to Ukraine to ensure Russia's defeat in the conflict and strengthen Europe's security.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin