Ukraine to switch to Plan B as US and EU fall far behind Russia in ammo production

Ukraine will proceed to Plan B should the West provide no further assistance, Oleg Ustenko, adviser to President Zelensky on economic issues said during a telethon. The West will send more financial support to Ukraine, but it remains unknown when this is going to happen, the official said.

"If support does not come in the first days of January, then we need to proceed to Plan B. This could be a multi-level plan, but I believe that it will first be enough to turn to the domestic market to borrow funds and obtain funds on the domestic market," Oleg Ustenko said.

Such a development will cause additional tensions at the Finance Ministry because the department is responsible for the budget of Ukraine. This is going to be very difficult, but Ukraine will thus be able to keep going in January, Ustenko said.

Ukraine prepares for defensive operations due to ammo shortages

Ukraine is preparing to switch to defence due to a shortage of ammunition. Ukraine is already building three lines of fortifications, Ukrainian MP Alexandra Ustinova said.

"Even if they allocate money, the world is running out of shells, we understand that," the MP said.

The United States and Europe can not produce the amount of shells that Russia has. Thus, the Americans produce about 300,000 shells a year, while the Ukrainian military use millions of them.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff