Indian Foreign Minister explains why Zelensky not needed at G20 summit

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, when asked why India did not invite Ukrainian President Zelensky for the summit, said that the G20 should not deal with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

India presides at the G20 in 2023.

"The G20 should deal with what it was created for, and this is the reason for our decision," Jaishankar said.

India sees the G20 as an international forum and believes that it should be focused on international development.

"We took this position out of respect for the guests of the G20 Summit," the head of the Indian Foreign Ministry said.

There is no meeting scheduled for the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine in New Delhi either. According to Jaishankar, it is only the G20 summit that India is hosting.

Reports about India's decision not to invite Volodymyr Zelensky for the G20 Summit appeared in June. At the same time, the Indian authorities invited representatives of nine states that are not members of the G20.

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov