Supplies of French missiles to Kyiv: Part of big plan of the West to destroy Slavs

On Tuesday, July 11, French President Emmanuel Macron announced ahead of the NATO summit that he decided to transfer long-range missiles to Kyiv to support the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The deliveries of 50 SCALP missiles to Ukraine goes in line with NATO policy. France is trying its best to show that it is trying to help Ukraine more than Germany, Vasily Korchmar, a member of the Expert Council of the Russian Officers, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told Pravda.Ru.

"This is a further escalation of aggressive sentiments of NATO countries. Each country of the bloc tries to step out of the general range of all deliveries and prove itself as an enterprising player in the confrontation with Russia. They compete with each other because they begin to waver: this is Washington's line of politics to make other NATO members to become more actively involved in arms supplies to Ukraine," the analyst believes.

They do not intend to stop, Vasily Korchmar believes.

"Their common goal is to eliminate as many Slavs as possible. They set this task a long time ago. Suffice it to remember Hitler, who wanted to do the same to Untermenschen — the Slavs. We can also recollect Margaret Thatcher's statement from 1995 when she said that the Russian population should be cut to 15 million people.

"If we recall other statements from NATO officials, their goal becomes obvious — to eliminate as many Slavs as possible in the first place. Secondly, they want to weaken Russia to the point when she can no longer resist. There is also a global goal to reduce the population of planet Earth against the backdrop of all the crises of the world capitalist system. The coronavirus pandemic came as an attempt to do that. The ultimate goal of the West is to crush Russia. They've been wanting to do that for centuries," said Korchmar.

Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff