Zelensky denies frozen conflict possibility

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Kyiv would never agree to any move for the conflict in Ukraine to freeze. Zelensky requires the Russian troops to leave the territory of the country instead.

In this context, he recalled the "peace formula” he had proposed earlier. According to Zelensky, this is a universal plan that may also help other countries that come across military aggression.

Zelensky presented his "peace formula" in November 2022. The plan consists of five paragraphs. Among other things, the Ukrainian authorities demand security guarantees for the country, as well as a punishment for Russia.

Zelensky also believes that as long as Ukraine has become a candidate for EU membership, Kyiv may hope for the same as far as NATO membership was concerned.

"Ukraine has become a candidate for the EU, and the same will happen with NATO,” the Ukrainian president said speaking at the Ukrainian parliament.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg ruled out Ukraine's possible entry into the alliance during the time of the conflict. The doors remain open for Ukraine, and all members of the bloc will be ready to accept the country after the end of hostilities.


Author`s name
Andrey Mihayloff