Experts doubt whether US Patriot system capable of intercepting Kinzhal missiles

The United States is deliberately spreading fake news about the downed Russian Kinzhal missile. The Pentagon is thus trying to make the general public believe that US air defences are super efficient, military expert Yuri Knutov believes. Therefore, the Armed Forces of Ukraine would not have been able to intercept the Russian hypersonic missile with the help of Patriot air defence systems.

"Intercepting the Kinzhal missile is almost impossible because they can change trajectory during the flight. The American Patriot complex does not have the capacity to intercept high-speed manoeuvring targets, ” Yury Knutov said, the Vzglyad newspaper said.

At the same time, Knutov admitted that technically the Kinzhal missile could be shot down. In this case, it would be impossible to identify it as the Russian Kinzhal missile, because the missile would ram into the ground at an enormous speed, leaving practically nothing to any further analysis, the expert believes.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin