Germany's Leopard tanks fail miserably in Ukraine

Ukraine has encountered problems in mastering German Leopard tanks due to the poor quality of supplies from the West, military observer Viktor Baranets said in an interview with PolitExpert publication.

It was reported that German Leopard tanks received by Ukraine came out of order even before they could be used against the Russian Armed Forces in battle.

The weapons that the West has been supplying to Ukraine are far from being in their best condition, the expert said. The West wants to get rid of outdated equipment and weapons in the first place, he added.

"They deliver weapons to Ukraine skipping proper inspections and checks. They also deliver either the weapons that have been kept unused at warehouses for years or the weapons that have been repaired just before being sent to Ukraine," he said.

Many of those weapons do not meet the requirements of modern warfare, Baranets added.

Resident Telegram channel, citing an anonymous source from the Office of the President of Ukraine, reported recently that the tanks that Ukraine received from Western partners came out of order. It was also said that Valery Zaluzhny, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, allegedly told Zelensky that military suitability of Western equipment was declining.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin