Two years of Biden's presidency ruin US-Russian relationship

The relations between Moscow and Washington have deteriorated over the past few years, Kremlin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on January 20, TASS reports.

Bilateral contacts between Russia and the United States of America reached the lowest point in history, he said. Moreover, there are no hopes for the relations to improve in the foreseeable future, Peskov added.

"The past two years [of Joe Biden's presidency in the US], despite timid hopes associated with Geneva, have been very bad for our bilateral relations. The bilateral relations have dropped to their lowest point in history, unfortunately," he said.

Earlier, US officials said that Joe Biden would be ready to talk with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin if Moscow demonstrated determination for negotiations.

The 46th President of the United States, Democrat Joseph Biden, took office on January 20, 2021. His first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin took place in Geneva on June 16, 2021. Biden and Putin have spoken on the phone several times since.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin