Russian Ambassador: USA interest is paranoid about war of attrition with Russia

Anatoly Antonov, the Russian Ambassador to USA, said that America had an economic interest in the conflict between Kyiv and Moscow, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the diplomat, the United States is trying to "skim the cream" from foreign arms supplies. Yet, the White House will not be able to evade responsibility for protracting the conflict and thus increasing the number of casualties, Antonov said.

"However, the United States continues to adhere to the war of attrition playbook with maniacal persistence,” Antonov said. "It goes about the attrition of everyone — Ukrainians, Russians, Europeans and common Americans too. As they say — the war with Russia to the last Ukrainian."

Karen Donfried, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, assured that Washington would continue providing comprehensive support to Kyiv regardless of the outcome of the midterm elections to Congress. The United States is confident in the steadfastness of assistance to Kyiv, she said.

On November 5, retired US Lieutenant General Joseph Keith Kellogg, former national security adviser to Donald Trump, said that the United States was giving Kyiv $2.5 million an hour. The United States provided economic, humanitarian and military assistance worth $18 billion, he said. "This is American taxpayer money. And again, without any accountability,” Kellogg stressed.

The United States announced another package of military assistance to Ukraine worth $400 million. The new assistance package will include:

Kyiv will also receive 45 Soviet T-72 tanks, which were modernized by the United States together with the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

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