Ukraine wants to keep China as a partner despite its friendship with Russia

Ukraine is trying to establish new relations with the Chinese administration. Kyiv fears harming economic relations with Beijing. Therefore, Ukraine tries to refrain from the actions that could cause a negative reaction from China, Newsweek said.

"We need to keep an open door to China," an unnamed adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky told Newsweek. "China, for us, is a very reliable trade partner," the adviser said. "Of course, we're trying to establish a new relationship between our leaders."

Ukraine wants to develop cooperation with China. Therefore, Zelensky's infrequent comments on the topic of relations with China were not as sharp as the reprimands that he reserved for indecisive European colleagues, the US-based publication noted.

Noteworthy, Kyiv made every effort not to upset Beijing with a trip of Ukrainian MPs to Taiwan. Ukrainian officials distanced themselves from that trip and made it all look like a personal initiative of the deputies.

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