Joker's hacking skills let Russia know every detail about USA's plans in Ukraine

Ukrainian hacker known as Joker, who moved to the Donetsk People's Republic, said that his "spies” were working in the office of the President of Ukraine, in the Security Service and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports.

The data that he exposed will make searching for new information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO difficult, the hacker said. Those who want to accuse him of the absurdity of the published data are fools, he added.

"There is no one like my hackers. Don't forget that I have spies everywhere — in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the SBU, in Zelensky's office. There is access not only to information, but also to technology. Also, do not forget that I left a lot of my gifts in all their devices," he concluded.

Daniil Bezsonov, the head of the press service of the DPR, wrote in a message posted on his Telegram channel that Russia thus obtained all information about the plans of the enemy.

"The fact that our special services can now access the system indicates that we know everything about the enemy. We know everything that the enemy knows about our forces and their deployment," he wrote.

On November 1, it was reported that Joker hacked into US-developed Delta command and control system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the head of the press service of the Donetsk People's Republic Daniil Bezsonov said.

Joker told RIA Novosti that it took him a lot of time to hack into the system.

"It was really hard, but there is no such thing as absolutely secure systems. Each can be hacked if you have skills, time and creativity in your approach,” the anonymous hacker told the agency.

According to him, it turned out that the servers of DELTA program, which coordinates the Ukrainian troops, are located in the city of Dnepropetrovsk.

Judging by several videos that the hacker posted, Delta is a regularly updated military map with a user-friendly interface. It takes a few clicks to display information about any military unit on the screen — the number of personnel, the list of equipment and coordinates. The software used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine was fully translated into Ukrainian. Information is constantly updated through intelligence channels. In addition, the Ukrainian version of DELTA contains data on Russian troops.

Joker wrote in his Telegram channel that Ukraine should not have ridiculed Donetsk soldiers for using paper maps. One can not modify them remotely, he said.

"I changed the data a bit, rearranged some squares, rhombuses and other strange figures. But you will fix all this, right? Sometimes it's better to use paper maps,” Joker wrote.

Joker has been active on his Telegram channel throughout the special operation. In most cases, he publishes classified documents about the Armed Forces of Ukraine and reveals Ukrainian servicemen's identity.

He became famous long before the special operation. In his 2019 interview, Joker described himself as a collector of insider information from the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, he was getting most of his information from Ukrainian security officials who were disappointed in the Kyiv authorities.

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