Economist: a major military conflict is brewing in the Mediterranean region

Economist Mikhail Khazin said that a new military conflict could uprise in the Mediterranean region after the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) presented an ultimatum to the United Nations.

Khazin recalled that recently Ukraine tried to undermine one of the sections of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the attack was prevented. The expert came up with a following question: what was the goal of the organizers of the sabotage?

"There can be two goals. First, it is to deprive certain European countries of receiving gas from Turkey. And second, this is not directed against us, but against Turkey, which has become the main gas hub, and some have decided that it takes on a lot" , — said the economist in an interview with Voennoye Delo.

Earlier, the TRNC gave the UN a month to recognize itself as an independent state. Otherwise, the organization must withdraw all peacekeepers from the region. Greece was outraged by the republic's statement. Khazin believes that if the situation escalates, Greece will defend Cyprus. He recalled that Athens had the support of Washington and London. According to the economist, a military conflict may break out in the region during this year.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin