US attempts to stir up colour revolution in China doomed to failure

The head of the Center for the Countries of the Far East, Kirill Kotkov, believes that Washington's chances to change power in China were slim.

"A radical change in Beijing's policy is now impossible. For the time being, it is difficult for the Americans to form a government in China that would be similar to that in Taiwan, but they will keep on trying. A colour revolution is not going to work out," the expert said in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

The Chinese authorities are facing much more serious threats now, he added. It is local entrepreneurs and a low income society that the Chinese administration was concerned about in the first place.

"The Chinese business class is not allowed to power. It irritates him. Suffice it to recall the case of billionaire Jack Ma, who was removed from the political arena, to put it mildly. If Beijing does not find a common language with popular business circles in society, the regime could be destabilized," Kotkov said.

He also noted that it was impossible to find out what popularity rating President Xi Jinping had in the Chinese society, since officials tightly control all media outlets.

"The Chinese society is not happy with the current leader. He has done a lot for the country indeed. However, residents of big cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou have been hit hard when the government locked them down in their homes during outbreaks of the coronavirus infection. The middle class, a society of low income can start protests against Xi Jinping," the expert concluded.

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