Russia and China may form military alliance to counter Western aggression

Vladimir Bruter, an expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies appreciated the proposal from Mikhail Sheremet, a member of the State Duma from Crimea, to form an association of sovereign states to counter Western aggression.

According to the expert, the Third World War in the broadest sense of the word has been going on for a long time already.

"The conflict in Ukraine affects main economic powers of the West and Russia is no exception. China and India do not take part yet. A major armed clash should not necessarily be either a nuclear one or with a huge number of victims,” the expert told Pravda.Ru.

At the same time, events in Ukraine will determine the state of affairs in the world, he added. Moscow's future role in foreign policy arena depends on Moscow's victory, Bruter added.

"If Russia wins, the issue of a military alliance between Russia and China will be a matter of time. If our country loses, then Beijing is unlikely to conclude such an agreement with us,” the specialist said.

The Second World War began in a hybrid form. Nowadays, however, nuclear weapons act as a deterrent.

"We have already reached the point of WWIII," the political scientist concluded.

Earlier, Mikhail Sheremet, a member of the State Duma from Crimea, advocated the creation of a military and economic bloc that could contain NATO.

"I consider it expedient to revisit the collective system of voluntary association of sovereign states that would be capable of showing effective resistance to Western expansion," the Russian deputy stressed.

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