Chinese dragon starts breathing fire in Washington's face

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi suggested to his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov that Russia and China should strengthen their cooperation against the backdrop of the situation around Taiwan.

"Beijing is ready to strengthen strategic cooperation with the Russian Federation so that together we could more effectively defend the international system, in which the UN plays a key role, as well as the order based on the norms of generally accepted international law,” the Chinese diplomat said.

Wang Yi also stressed that Moscow continued to adhere to the One China Principle and opposed any encroachment on China's sovereignty. According to him, this position speaks of the high level of the Chinese-Russian strategic partnership.

The head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry added that Moscow and Beijing support each other in the international arena. Together, the two countries defend equality and justice in the world.

Earlier, Wang Yi said that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan would result in serious consequences for Washington. The diplomat called Pelosi's trip to the island 'a vulgar comedy.'

China suspends military cooperation with USA

China has decided to suspend cooperation with the United States in a number of areas, a statement on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

According to Beijing, regional military cooperation with Washington will be temporarily suspended; work meetings between representatives of Chinese and US defense departments will be suspended too. In addition, no meetings will be held with US representatives on the topic of maritime security.

China also terminates negotiations with Washington on such issues as:

On August 5, it was reported that Beijing canceled a work meeting of representatives of US and Chinese defense departments and stopped dialogue at the level of representatives of regional military commands of the two states in response to Nancy Pelosi's recent visit to Taiwan.

China will not tolerate humiliation from anyone

Modern-day China will no longer tolerate humiliation, as it was a hundred years ago, an official representative for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying said on August 4 commenting on the statement from the G7 countries regarding the situation around Taiwan.

"There is spatio-temporal dissonance coming from the joint statement of G7 foreign ministers. These few foreign ministers obviously decided that they live 120 years ago, in the era of the Eight Power Alliance,” she said at a briefing.

According to the Chinese official, "the current world is no longer the world when imperialist powers could rattle their sabres on Chinese lands and do whatever they please."

"Modern China is no longer the old China that used to exist 100 years ago, when it could tolerate humiliation and let others decide its own destiny. It's time for world powers to wake up from their dreams," the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry added.

Earlier, representatives for G7 countries expressed their concern over China's military exercises in the waters off Taiwan. According to the G7, such actions may lead to an escalation of the crisis.

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