New secret Russian development is an unpleasant surprise for American HIMARS

The Americans were unpleasantly surprised that the Russian Armed Forces are able to hack into the HIMARS supplied to Ukraine, military expert Alexei Leonkov said on the air of the Rossiya-1 tele channel.

Speaking as an invited guest in the studio of Vladimir Solovyov, he said that the new secret counter-battery system, first used in the Donbass, clearly showed that the "vaunted HIMARS" are very vulnerable.

"The American system has been hacked. And our secret development will be deployed in all directions. A good system, I can’t name it yet, but it works at much greater distances, instantly fixing the launch site. For the Americans, this was a very unpleasant surprise" , the expert said.

Leonkov noted that the "miracle weapon advertised by the Americans" had sharply lost its effectiveness:

“It seems that next time in the United States they will think about whether it is worth sending MLRS data for disposal in the Donbass at all.”

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin