NYT names the reason why the morale of the Ukrainian army is falling

The American newspaper New York Times writes that the morale of the Ukrainian troops is reduced due to the recruitment on the streets of those who do not want to participate in hostilities, as well as the refusal of those who wish. The publication also claims growing discontent among the population due to questions about the way recruits are selected.

Ukrainians are increasingly dissatisfied with the fact that the issuance of letters of conscription, especially on the streets, is "secret and arbitrary," the newspaper writes.

Despite claims by the military who issue the letters of conscription that they only recruit those who are willing, the population is increasingly complaining that "they violate the laws of the government, and also sometimes call on those who do not want to, while refusing those who want."

“Some of the recipients (of the letters of conscription) say they were never given a choice… while there are reports of men who are eager to fight but are denied for reasons that are bureaucratic… The process is shrouded in mystery with little openness about the standards applied to each stage," the newspaper said.

According to a member of the Ukrainian Territorial Defense, there are many people who "have a lot of motivation and ability who want to join the army now, but they won't take them."

The fact that the recruitment of those who did not want to go to the front lowers the morale of the Ukrainian troops is stated by both Ukrainian commanders and high-ranking military officers. The publication also notes that in areas near the border with Russia, including in Kharkiv, some refuse to serve in the Ukrainian troops because of the support of the Russian Federation.

"They say, 'I don't want to serve! Ukraine is not even a real country!” the officer who issued the summons told the newspaper.

In addition, the publication writes that "the feeling of unity is bursting at the seams" also due to the fatigue of soldiers in the Ukrainian troops, in particular among untrained recruits. "There is no one to replace us. Too few people," said a farmer involved in the fighting, noting that it was "difficult psychologically."

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin