Telegraph: German Chancellor Scholz risks resigning due to energy crisis

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz risks losing his position if he doesn't "surrender" to Russian President Vladimir Putin, journalist Daniel Johnson said in an article for The Telegraph.

He noted that Germany is experiencing an acute crisis due to a lack of energy resources, in which Berlin depends on Russia.

“A real drama has been played out with the search for those responsible for the disastrous decision a decade ago to abandon nuclear energy, because of which Germany became completely dependent on Russia. Angela Merkel’s reputation, which was once idolized, is now torn to shreds, and two-thirds of voters condemn Olaf Scholz for failing to ensure energy security," Johnson said.

According to the journalist, the current chancellor, in addition to mistakes in the energy sector, was also not firm enough in foreign policy.

Thus, Johnson believes that Scholz, trying to please both NATO and Russia, abandoned Ukraine and does not provide it with practically any help. This has lowered Berlin's credibility, while Germany's economic and energy problems have led to more Germans opposing aggressive measures against Moscow, and public support for Kyiv in Germany is weakening.

“Either Berlin will suffer a massive setback, accompanied by the collapse of the ruling “traffic light” coalition, or it will capitulate to Putin. Last week, Scholz and his colleagues rejoiced at the collapse of Boris Johnson. But the German chancellor may well be in for the same nightmarish scenario, and his gloating may be short-lived” Johnson wrote.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin