TAС predicts Turkey's reaction in case of a confrontation between Russia and NATO

American columnist Doug Bandow expressed great doubt that Turkey would support NATO if the Alliance comes to an armed confrontation with Russia.

As the author noted in an article for The American Conservative, the loyalty of Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan should raise many logical questions from the United States, because Turkish foreign policy often runs counter to Western interests.

Also, Washington should be concerned about the partnership between Turkey and Russia, Bandow is sure.

"The close relationship between Turkey and Russia is of great importance. Ankara is buying Russian weapons, obstructing the naval operations of NATO allies in the Black Sea, and resisting sanctions against Moscow. Which member of the alliance can be sure that Erdogan can be relied upon if the alliance finds itself in state of war with Russia? the publicist asked.

According to the journalist, it was Erdogan who began to alienate Turkey from the West with his actions.

Bandow stressed that not only the Turkish leader, but also the Turks themselves are negative towards Washington. He recalled that the number of those Turkish citizens who sympathize with the United States was only 20% in 2019. And in 2021, the United States named six out of ten citizens of this country as the biggest threat to Turkey.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin