
Ukrainian commander: 'It's a matter of time when Russian flag will be raised in Kyiv'

Ukrainian commander: 'It's a matter of time when Russian flag will be raised in Kyiv'

There is a hotel in Kyiv where weapons and fuels are stored in such quantities that in the event of an explosion it will smash half of the central Khreshchatyk street.

This was announced by battalion commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Mikhail Maiman.

He said that a volunteer territorial defense unit guards the Khreshchatyk hotel, where the dangerous cargo is located. He added that the group that settled in the hotel robs and kidnaps local citizens.

“There are so many weapons and armaments now that if it explodes there, half of Khreshchatyk will explode. Why is it stored in the city center, why are they gathering people there, arming them, they walk around the city of Kyiv in the rear with machine guns, pistols, grenades and grenade launchers? They drive around the city of Kyiv, kidnap people, rob. It's a matter of time when they raise the Russian flag, that's all, "said the Ukrainian.

He noted that the capital of Ukraine is not safe now, since tons of TNT and weapons are in Khreshchatyk.

"It's a matter of time when they start using it. The only question is who will they use it against? Definitely not against the Russians," summed up the battalion commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin