Russian intelligence: Poland's working on scenarios for the dismemberment of Ukraine

The Polish authorities are convinced that the United States and Great Britain will be forced to support the plan for the dismemberment of Ukraine. This was stated by the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of Russia Sergey Naryshkin.

“Warsaw believes that as Russian troops advance deep into Ukrainian territory, Washington and London will have no choice but to show “unconditional solidarity” with an ally ready to “resolutely defend the interests of the West in Ukraine,” the Foreign Intelligence Service head said in a statement.

Poland, based on an analysis of the situation, is inclined to believe that it is necessary to "go beyond the previously planned deployment of the Polish peacekeeping contingent in western Ukraine," Naryshkin states.

In particular, the option of creating a proxy state controlled by Warsaw is being worked out. The state which will be defended by the country's troops. A project is also being considered for the formation of a "buffer zone" from the central regions of Ukraine, according to the SVR.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin