Winter in Germany "is politically on the threshold", the energy crisis has already come, said, speaking in the Bundestag, the Minister of Economy and Climate of Germany, Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck.
“It’s summer now, <...> we want to become free again after two years of the pandemic, but winter is on the threshold. Already now. Politically standing at the door. And we must solve the paradox with the gas, we must take measures now that we will need in the winter," he said.
According to the minister, "Germany is in a gas crisis, although now the security of supplies is guaranteed, and the filling level of storage facilities is growing."
At the same time, as Khabek added, if after the completion of preventive work on the Nord Stream gas pipeline "there is an aggravation of the situation," then Germany "will find itself in a scenario where there will not be enough gas to survive the winter."