The West will never be able to regain Moscow's trust - Kremlin

Russia will no longer trust the West, Dmitry Peskov, Putin's official spokesman said in an interview with MSNBC.

According to Peskov, the West has clearly demonstrated its true attitude towards Russia.

"The West will never be able to regain Moscow's trust," Peskov said.

The Kremlin spokesman also noted that the crisis in international relations due to the conflict in Ukraine would be a long-lasting one.

The fate of the captured Americans

Peskov was also asked about the fate of two US citizens Alexander Drueke and Andy Huynh, who fought on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and were captured. Peskov called them "soldiers of fortune" and noted that the captivated Americans, according to the Geneva Conventions, did not fall into the category of prisoners of war. According to the Kremlin spokesman, Drueke and Huynh committed crimes and participated in the shelling of the Russian troops in Ukraine, and they would be held accountable.

Peskov also spoke about the likelihood for their execution. When asked about the appropriate guarantees, the Kremlin spokesman said that the fate of the two US citizens would depend on the investigation.

"I can't guarantee anything,” he said.

Crisis in US-Russia relations hits rock bottom

On June 20, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia did not have any relations with the United States. It is "unproductive, dangerous and weak" for Moscow to take up an initiative to try to improve them, he noted.

"By the way, there is another proven method of communicating with America on this topic — to slam a shoe on the UN rostrum. It used to work…” Medvedev sarcastically wrote, adding that Russia should not unfreeze its relations with the United States and negotiate now, because "this is harmful for Russia."

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that creating threats to Russia in Ukraine was comparable to the likelihood for Russia to set up its army bases in Central America.

"They started building an anti-Russian foothold in Ukraine. Come on, what if we started creating an anti-American foothold somewhere on the borders with the United States, in Mexico?” Putin reasoned. He also recalled that Russia had removed its military bases from Cuba, but the West pays no mind to that and builds threats for Moscow instead.

Putin also accused the West of treating other countries as colonies and backyards. The West can only care less about other countires' sovereignty, Putin noted, recalling the bombing of Yugoslavia, operations in Syria, Libya and Iraq.

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